Discovering the Rising Star Cards

Discovering the Rising Star Cards....png

I've started to play the Hive Game Rising Star only about two weeks ago. Here a disclaimer. I'm a total beginner. If you are an experienced player you will either get bored while reading this or you might laugh at my mistakes :-).

The game in itself is very straight forward and I did my missions and saw my fans go up and then down. It seems so far I've only managed to attract drunk fans and they tend to forget me once they are sober... In a way every day I start from the same point. I make some missions, use my Energy and collect some starbits. The next day I start more or less at the same place.

There are cards in the game...

On Sunday evenings there is always a live show and I took part in it a week ago. They play cool songs and they make giveaways. I was very happy when I won a prize the first time I took part. I needed then to answer the question: what kind of booster card I wanted.... Wait what? Booster cards?
I think this was the first time that I actually went into the card menu and saw all these cards... I knew there were cards in the game but I didn't get what they were for so far. So I could choose between skill and fan cards.

Still not really understanding the game, I opted for a skill card and I was very happy to see that my skill went up! But then I told myself... If only I had taken the fan card... I could maybe get enough fans to play the higher missions in my home town...

A day later, I bought my first card, a fan booster card. I didn't have much starbits so it was just enough to buy 5 Fans. The problem, this didn't solve my issue to have enough Fans for these missions...

For the project @liotes, I work together with @ph1102 alias @cryptofiloz. Once during one of our brainstormings, I told him how proud I was to have some more fans. He actually told me not to buy any of these fan cards. Ups, ehm... but how will I get enough fans to make the higher missions?

All these cards have their utilities!!!

So basically he told me to buy a vehicle instead of booster fan cards. The vehicles come with fans! Oh that's so great. So I directly invested some swap.hive to buy a Range Rover that comes with 300 Fans. Yea, I have now enough fans to do all the missions in my home town!

The next day we had another brainstorming and I sent him a screenshot of my Rising Start dashboard. I was very proud of my fans. Then he told me that like that I will hardly earn anything in my missions. What, uh??? Well I didn't figure that out completely yet. It seems that there needs to be a balance between the number of fans and your skills. I think it affects your ego. However I didn't get how this influenced my earnings...

So now I need to increase my skills... How to do that? I could buy booster cards for skill but it seems these are not really good. I should rather buy some instruments and then do music lessons? My ego is at 64% at the moment and I believe this is not so good :-).

What's the pizza all about?

Now another point is the energy stuff. I'm constantly running out of energy and I invested in a pizza box. I thought it was a magical box that would refill every day but I got something wrong there. It seems that the box only allows you to kind of save a pizza that you might find.

I would actually need to buy a cold pizza slice. Rumours have it that these are the magical parts that regenerate once a day. Together with the pizza Box, this seems the ideal combination.

I don't know what they put on these pizzas but they are quite pricey. So I will need to collect some more starbits to afford a cold slice of pizza ( I have the box already !).

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