
Jo is used to long fashion parades and hectic photoshoots, so was full of energy throughout our shoot.

Luckily I had a fellow photographer along to also work with her, plus my daughter and her partner as assistants, so we were just about able to keep up with Jo!

As you would expect from a professional model, Jo takes direction superbly, and effortlessly switches poses, becoming by turns elegant, dramatic, smouldering, sexy or simply beautiful. She also has the professional's practical approach to her body and the various ways to enhance it, which led to a laugh after this shot.

She said "I'm wearing 'chicken fillets' (breast-enhancing bra inserts), do you want them in or out for this pose?"

I decided a natural slim look would be useful, so Jo promptly reached into her singlet, removed the fillets and handed them to my daughter, who spent the next 10 minutes gingerly holding them in two fingers and at arm's length as though they were dangerous reptiles, to everyone else's amusement.

In editing, the contrast was cranked up and soft focus applied to give the final look.

Nikon D70, Nikkor 35-80mm

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