Trying my hand at monochrome art nude photography

I've shot with models quite a few times over the years but never seemed to get the chance to shoot art nude. I'd shot with Neena a few times before this shoot and this abandoned farm seemed like the ideal place to lose my art nude cherry so to speak!

Now I don't know far far I can go with images like this on the Hive. There's no-one to moderate how far I can go. I've kind of self moderated these images in that they aren't explicit and are shown purely as an artistic nude offering. I've kept the first image in the sequence "family friendly"


Inside this abandoned barn is a trough where the cattle used to presumably feed from. Neena jumped up on the trough and I asked her to create an angsty pose with twisted torso and hands. I always watch out for what the hands are doing and where they are in model shoots:



I have no words for this image other than "pert". Neena was stood against a wall constructed with railway sleepers where the gaps would let smoke seep through. I placed a strobe behind the wall and let the smoke emanate through. I loved the effect and hope to find another wall like this sometime soon!


That railway sleeper wall again

I misaligned the strobe behind the wall and got a bit of lens flare but Neena's pose was just too good to reject this one:


Neena in the smoke

I may have overdone it with the smoke pellets in this shot but this was a fave on the day:


That trough again

Another variant of the angsty pose in the animal trough:


Beams of light

I just loved the effect where it was breezy enough in the barn to get these beams of light poking through the railway sleeper wall:


Running out of smoke

I must have used a whole tub of fifty smoke pellets during this shoot and it appears I ran out when I shot this one!

Photo Sep 07, 3 55 10 PM.jpg

About me:
I usually specialise in shooting lightpainting images but occasionally dabble in urbex and artistic model photography. I'm always on the lookout for someone to collaborate with; please don't hesitate to get in touch if you'd like to create art.

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