"A good read!"


Prompt a day by @shadowspub..

Fiction Prompt: You’re in an empty house in the middle of a blackout when you hear strange noises outside.

Carlos de Miguel in unsplash

After for almost a decade Jun abandoned their house. He has a job and his parents were gone for long. It's not that far from where he's working but it's hard to go there especially when it's raining. It's located at the mountain and no people used to go there. That's why he's confident that no one will touch that house.

One night he goes to their house because it's the death anniversary of his parents. It's the same day since his parents were died the same time in car accident. Night is the only free time for hime because of work.

He checks the electricity and it seems fine. He prepare food because it's part of their beliefs that souls from the living will eat. He place the food in the table together with lightened candles. He is praying before he will eat the food. After praying he does some talking about his late parents.

"How are you now, mom and dad. I have been a lonely life since you were gone. I hope you're in heaven right now. By the way I prepared food for us and - - - -"

He couldn't finish what he wants to say because the windows suddenly closed and strong wind blows inside the house. The door is opening with slowly with a sound. The doos ia very old so he thinks that the sound of it is normal.

Matthes T Rader in unsplash

The door is slowly opening with a terrifying sound. He immediately run towards the door to close because wind will kill the lights of the candle. When he is in the door to close it. A scream suddenly surprises him. He was shook and couldn't say a word maybe because he's afraid.

All the lights are off and only the lights of the candle gives brightness. The cold voice continues on screaming. He feels terrified and keep on holding the door knob of the door. He doesn't know what to do anymore. This is the first time when it happens like this. Because of being afraid he talks his parents.

**"Mom... Dad... don't joke like that. It's not that funny anymore. Can't you see I'm shaking right now because of fear.." **

The scream continues on screaming and it's like walking around in the house. He wanted to run but he can't move to do it. Jun experienced to see a ghost when he was a child and he had a bad experience of it.
Danie Jensen in unsplash

He remains standing next to the door because he's planning to run. Sometimes he covers his ears in order for him not to hear anything. But when the screams getting nearer he removes his hand because he's afraid that it's on his back.

While his eyes is so focus where the sound of scream is. His eyes are moving in different direction. But the sound of scream with slow tone suddenly getting near of him. He's gripping the door know because of fear and ready himself... He said to himself..slowly.

"Oh God.. I know it's near.. Please go away.."

He's saying something of himself when suddenly touches his hand and it's very cold. He can't control his emotions anymore. He shouted loudly and run going out and the only word he said is..


Jun never comes back after of this incident..

the end

thank you for reading

d' dreamboy,


This is a cross post of @mrnightmare89/prompt-a-day-feb-22nd-visitor by @bestcontents.

A good read!

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