SOS Scam alert Do not fall for this TRX tron scam


Do not fall for this TRX Airdrop scam !!!

airdrops are almost always welcome

If you are in crypto then you must be aware of the the idea of a crypto airdrop.

Either you sign up for an airdrop or based on the crypto you hold you are airdropped some tokens or coins.

The latter is a convenient way of getting an airdrop. It is passive and easy money you may say.

However it has also become the modus operandi for a con or a scam.

Ever wondered how a harmless passive crypto airdrop can harm you?

As at the end of the day an airdrop is some passive money sitting in your wallet.

Let us check the way the scam works

If you have some TRX tron then you are the likely target of one such scam
So let us start by checking your wallet address using a site like
Enter your wallet address and if you have some substantial balance of trx then you are likely to see some additional tokens like

Uniswap and the list goes on

Try to spot large number of coins or tokens airdropped or the value of airdrop being a few hundred or more USD.

If you are wondering what is wrong with these airdrops then let us take instswap

click on the token link and it takes you to the token page
Its website link is

  • A Project which airdrops you with 700 tokens worth hundreds of USD with a single page landing page site.(Looks fishy)
  • No project details and no team no whitepaper (Looks fishy)
  • No social media links
    If you were to open the site (Please do not trust such sites as they can have scripts running in the background)

The homepage is a trap

The homepage shows the value of inst token as 34.67 TRX
So if you have received 700 tokens the value would be 700 X 34.67= 24269TRX
Now at $0.02824 per trx this works to about $685.35656 of free money.
If you are happy and want to convert it to TRX BTC or any other crypto then you are likely to click the Swap INST token
or Clain Free INST token

Beware both these buttons are a trap

The moment you click on these buttons, the page would attempt to connect to your trx wallet and if successful would ask you to sign a message using your wallet.
In this process it would transfer TRX from your wallet and you would be duped.

Beware of such scams

Here I have named a few tokens however these are only a few names every day the scammers dump the old sites and start new ones as it is easy to create and bulk send zero value tokens on this blockchain and scammers are using this trick

Do a search for the token

Before you hit the swap or Claim button DYOR by searching for the token name .
Chances are someone may have raised a red flag.

Please share this post to spread the word

Also information is the only shield we can use to guard and protect our crypto

Please take action

Crypto is serious money and not play money.
Guys this is serious. Please spread the word. Share this post so that we can protect people from such scams.
