The clearly differentiated regular habit between the rich and the poor.

Either we admit it or not, humans can only be classified as either being wealthy, poor or middle classed and gradually as inflation hits various sectors of the world it appears that the position for middle classed people is gradually going into extinction and it is either you are wealthy or poor.

I am not going to dispute the fact that somethings happen by fate but most of the time it requires a deliberate effort to either make wealth or remain poor, there are certain activities that are common to the poor and there are other activities that are common to the rich, this undeniable act is what constantly makes the difference between the rich and the poor.


Reading books and entertainment.

The wealthy people are known to be good readers, they understand the relevance of reading books and they spend time everyday reading helpful books that add to their knowledge and their source of wealth, the poor on the other hand are usually concerned about spending all their time on entertainment, they are very concerned about getting entertained and having a good laugh all the time.


Taking steps and purely having imaginations about success.

Those who are wealthy know how to take decisive steps to add more to their wealth while the poor are majorly just good with imagination than taking the required steps in the direction of growth, the poor could sit all day imagining and making plans but never lift a finger to pursue their dreams while the wealthy on the other hand are risk takers.


Working for results and working for money.

The poor are comfortable with exchanging their time for money, they can work for extra hours to have more money at the end of the day or the month but the wealthy who are risk takers receive their own compensation based on the result obtained on the taken risk.

Taking responsibility for every result and blaming others for every misfortune.

The wealthy understand that it is highly important to be responsible for the mistakes that happen to every man in life but the poor finds pleasure in looking for someone to blame for their misfortune. It is the regular habit of the poor to expect that the government provides them with their daily needs but the wealthy know the importance of making deliberate efforts to get what they desire of life.

Understanding the difference between saving and investing.

It is the constant habit of the poor to constantly want to keep the money they do not want to spend for a limited time but it is a different ball game for the rich, they are concerned about making investment and getting their money multiplied on a regular basis.

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