Space-Based Solar Power (The Future of Renuable Energy)

Scientist have been trying their best to harness natural renewable energy so we can stop burning fossil fuels and make our earth less polluted and with that, scientist came up with a concept called the Space-based Solar Power (SBSP). Using Silicone to convert the sun ray to electric energy hasn’t really been a very productive one as the solar panels still lose a lot of the sun’s energy to reflection and or heat energy. While a lot of work is being done in getting sun converted on the earth surface, scientists still have a conviction that having a space-based solar farm to collect a large and intense sun in space which will be beamed down to earth.

NASA SPS-ALPHA concept by John C. Mankins

The idea is to capture solar energy from space where the sun never stops shinning thereby, beaming it on the earth surface where it is harnessed and used as electrical energy. It is believed that the space-based solar energy might be a one-time solution to the energy problem the world has been facing. Unlike the series of solar panel arrangement, Space-based solar power will be able to provide enough energy needed to run activities on earth.

With the revolution in the technology world into electricity, leaving fossil fuel with the emergence of electric cars, and robotics, it is no doubt that soon, fossil fuel engines will have only a minute part of the industry and at that point, we need enough energy to keep this things running and the sun is a good source of energy for grids and at homes.

This is still a work in progress but countries like China, US, Russia, Canada European Union, India and Japan have been working to see this come to a reality. China aerospace science and Technology Corporation, planning to lunch a medium solar satellite in the stratosphere to harness solar energy.

How does the Space-based Solar Power look

Countries have been working on a very good method to harness and transmit solar energy from space to earth and one of the processes include the prototype from the California Institute of Technology which is made up of a lightweight tile which consist of optical reflectors, photovoltaic cells (solar panels), and an integrated circuit. The optical receptors are meant to concentrate on the Sun and attract the sun rays and beams, the photovoltaic cells are to convert the sunlight into electric power and the integrated circuit converts the electrical energy into radiofrequency energy which is then transmitted to earth through an antenna. The radiofrequency energy is then received by microwave receivers on the ground and this converts the radiofrequency energy back into electrical energy. The SBSP is meant to be placed in low earth orbit (LEO), Mid-earth orbit (MEO) and Geosynchronous Orbit (GEO).


NASA SPS-ALPHA is also going to base on Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) where it would intercept the Sun rays with the help of a thin film mirror which converts solar energy to radiofrequency energy. Using wireless transmission with the help of a retro-directive RF phased array with high efficiency solid state amplifier, the radiofrequency energy is being transferred to the earth.


Are We There Yet

Although, using Space-based Solar power looks like the solution we need for our energy problem but we aren’t there yet as we are unable to lunch the system into space yet due to cost. Lunching a kilogram of object to space is to cost £7,716. Also scientist are looking at ways to reduce debris caused by a spoilt space-based solar system as well as reduce radiation caused by the radiofrequency energy travel.

Can We Still Have a Space-based Solar Power (SBSP)

This will be possible if the cost to lunch to space is reduced and thanks to SpaceX reusable rocket, the possibility is drawing near. Also if solutions to radiation which will be people’s main concern be handled, as well as how a good method to clean debris in space be handled, then we are good to go but this doesn’t look like something that will happen in the next 5 years.

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