Prime Minister, Narendra Modi does not entertain interviews due to this famous interview he aborted

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India’s Prime Minister cannot be questioned

Do you guys know that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi hates answering to unscripted questions, he hardly gives interviews and when he does, he is already ready with the answers as only scripted questions which are approved by him can be asked and by George Modi Sahab is a great orator - that Maan Ki Baat radio podcast proves it.

Indian Press is Controlled by the Government not free

Infact, his Government has purchased media so that the TV and press media influence the readers with the propaganda of the Government, as many news channels don’t talk about important matters affecting the country - economy, environment, Corona Disaster management and such. Press representatives that give honest information, that’s critical of the Government have been arrested or threatened with FIRs.

Decentralised journalism that runs because of reader sponsorship still there, thankfully

However, there are still news sources like , that give honest news, keeping the readers informed on the true plight of the country, while highlighting the many measures of the Government that’s been destroying the economic and social fabric of the Indian country.

More on decentralised journalism in another article, but these news outlets survive because of donations and subscriptions of readers, rather than getting sponsorship of the Government, which would mean every article, show should have the approval seal of Government and going even further they resort to promoting the ideology of the Government which the Government wants to imbibe on its Citizens.

Hear it from me, an informed news reader very particular on my news sources

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

In my limited time I check news only from sources that are not fearful in rightly critiquing the Government and so I guess I am not among those commons, feeding my mind and brain with information that’s not real, substantive. I read quality news and I understand that currently India’s socio-economic and political environment besides its natural environment is in utter crisis, but won’t go into details here.

This comes as a shock too because one thinks that a democratic country is stable, people’s rights would be respected etc but that’s not true because even Governments with a democratic framework can become autocratic as is the case of what’s happening in India now.

Control, Centralisation and quash all dissenters, brand them as traitors

Yup, the current Government is all into Centralisation and having absolute control, quashing all dissents against its stance. There has been violence on peaceful dissenters like women and University students and there is a ugly communal tinge in the current Government’s stance.

The aborted interview that had Modi never again give unscripted interviews and answer questions

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Right, so having introduced the context that explains India now, the below video interview that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had with journalist Karan Thapar back in 2007 when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat would show us why he does not allow journalists to question him. And by George, I love this interview, it highlights reality, rather than the good perception that this Government wants to create to the public.

Modi refused to answer on the communal violence incident that happened in Gujarat during his Chief Ministership

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In the above interview the then Gujarat’s CM Modi, could not deal with the uncomfortable questions Karan Thapar posed to him related to Godhra riots that happened in Gujarat during 2002. Those riots was communal riots where lots of Muslim people died, got burned, brutally raped, had their properties distroyed etc although Hindus too were victims here. Some information is put on wiki relating to this

Ghost of Godhra not put to rest and lived on post the Godhra riot incident

Karan points out that Supreme Court had accused Modi sir now Prime Minister of India of being a ‘mass murderer’ and holding a prejudice against the Muslim community and the Court was of the suspition of Modi Government not doing enough to quench that violence. I know, awful and many people feel the Modi Government of Gujarat did not do justice to the affected people.

A special interview indeed that made Modi never entertain another one like that ever again!!

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Right… now, one can wonder why Modiji aborted that interview… After that he is not giving interviews that are unscripted, guess he can’t handle tough questions and he never ever meet Karan again, although I won’t be surprised if the Government has threatened him by filing FIRs on him...ha, anyway.

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