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An entrepreneur is a business owner who creates ideas for his own income formation.

Entrepreneurship has to do with the ability of an entrepreneur to create innovative ideas that has not been into consideration or has not been used by any other entrepreneur in helping to create income to help benefit the business owner supportively and help reducing the economy unemployment rate which helps in increasing the economy income.

To become a successful entrepreneur the business individual must be self creative and innovative in creating ideas he must also be an opportunist

Creativity can be seen as the act or process of creating ideas that has already been formulated in the absent state of mind or dreamt about into consideration after considering the fact of it serving a purpose of boosting the economy.

In considering the relevance of traits in creative process to help a successful entrepreneur the following may be put into consideration.

  1. the entrepreneur must be able to confront assumption in the sense that the person should be able to take-up or put upon himself things that would help in serving the economy and generate uplifting ideas and he must be able to confront generating ideas before they can be fully developed for use

  2. He must exhibit curiosity by going through the process of asking questions on taking creative measures to answer to the questions bothering or lithegating against the creation of ideas.

  3. He must like to investigate new possibilities by being able to go beyond in finding more new possibilities to ease the process of producing or manifesting the process of the idea formulated.

  4. He should tend to take initiative in the most matters, the creative process makes it an occurrance to access the mind in sense of creating initiative ideas in any available matter at hand.

  5. He should be highly imaginative, to be successful deals with the sole creation of ideas and innovation, so all creative process has to be highly imaginative at all times to create more respectable ideas to ease productivity and efficiency in the economy.

  6. To be successful he should be Future oriented in creative process and his ideas must not me for instant use always for immediate profit maximization but must be for use to be effective and efficient in terms of helping the economy as a whole.

  7. He should tend to think visually because it has to do with the creation of ideas through what is being seen visually through the state of mind or publicly through problems facing the Sorroundings and creation of imagination on what will happen if the ideas are being formulated at an instant.

  8. He should see possibilities with the seemingly impossible, in times of danger or crises a creative mind must always gear towards positive ideas and characteristic process. The creative process has to do with creating solutions to problems in terms of need and eradicate such problem incase it comes again.


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  1. He should not be afraid of taking risk to adhere to, i.e in the process of creating an idea, he should not be new to such person that he has risks to take in terms of the business and the more the risks the higher his iq in making decisions that after passing through the struggling risk difficulties he will still stand firm.

  2. He should be prepared to make mistakes, a successful entrepreneur should be prepared to make mistakes to help boost his innovative mind in making mind shaking decisions to help his ideas reach a certain height of maturity. The creative process deals with the creation of innovative ideas that must be stable even if there is a process of mistakes being made along the line.

In the process of gearing to be a successful entrepreneur not all entrepreneurs can be successful but for the stubborn ones full of creativity in generating ideas they actually try to picture themselves in situations and try solving the issue for example before a seller goes into the a business she checks around the neighborhood or Sorroundings to notice what others sellers are selling and

what they r not selling. That isn't actually the main part of going into the business, then she observes at what capacity of standard of living and cost of living her neighbourhood entails, if she is to start venturing into luxerious goods which they will be willing to pay for but the question is are they going to be able to and if it is to venture into perishable goods are they going to buy the stock market on time for her to get more or before it gets spoilt.
Entrepreneur put these ideas in mind before going into the business that's why out of various ones we have only 3 level grade of entrepreneur which are

  1. The lower level
  2. The middle Level
  3. The higher level

They are all risk takers but u see those ones at the lower level, they take high risk. Because being at a low level and maintaining it means any small bent or shift will lead to their downfall or liquidation. While for the middle Level entrepreneur,I would rather say they are on the fence which is in-between progress and downfall they being there means that they have all it takes to become big by increasing their pace in the business by minimising cost to ascertain maximized profit, then the high level entrepreneur are the ones at the high peak who has matured in the business due to the different risk being taken and fights at the top with new level of risk and any mistake might only lead to bankruptcy and not liquidation in the sense that for them to get to that level they would have made ties with other business enterprise to merge with them or help them to recover back to their current stage or full capacity in productive state
To become a successful entrepreneur is not mostly about being rich and having money to start a business after noticing people are doing it and it's earning them well, it is about being creative and having great mind incentive and argility because it is needed in terms of business.
To be successful one must go through different plan works and even if it becomes successful there must be a contingency plan to get the entrepreneur prepared for the unknown circumstances no matter how big or small the situation may be .
To be successful he will have to make experience to guide the relation of ideas through past ideas or problems or perhaps external drive or problems facing external environment in the past ages which might also be called the use of the "RULE OF THUMB".

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