The Meeting with the Interviewer - (What to keep at heart when going for an interview)

There are very few people who will not have to face a job interview and if you are one of them, then you might count yourself lucky but for a lot of us, we had to or we will have to face an interview. An interview shouldn’t be a complex thing, come to think of it, it isn’t rocket science. I know a lot of people who have failed woefully in an interview. Like Robert Kiyosaki said, he is lucky to be at the other side of the table, a few people are very lucky to be there and I will be sharing a few tips I learnt from these people about attending an interview and how to give a good impression when being interviewed.

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First impression is interpreted first

My friend Collins who is an HRM in a multinational company told me that if you are not looking good for the interview, then you failed already. He said you should not go to a makeup company looking for job without putting on a makeup as a lady, and if you must wear a makeup, then it must be good on you. He said, you shouldn’t come to an interview without wearing a perfume, if you ooze out bad odor at the first glance, then you do not have a job. You are to dress for the Job you want.

Do your Homework

One of the people I was talking to said to me that the first thing that disqualifies a lot of people even when they are properly dressed and fluent is no idea into what they are getting into or about the company they want to work for. You shouldn’t be working for a company you do not know anything about was what he said. He said, you do not have to police the company, checking the company’s website or checking the company social media platform is good enough to give the interviewee an insight into the company.

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Know the Job you are applying for

If you are applying to become a chef, then you should know what a deep fryer is and how to prepare all kinds of fried eggs and dishes. If you are coming in as a marketing manager, you should be able to sell anything including trash for money. Also, it is wrong to come for an interview and not know the position you are applying for.

Be able to tell why you left your previous job and why you are in for a new one.

When you are asked why you left your previous job, never say negative things about the place you worked previously, saying negative things about the previous employer gives the interviewer a feeling that if you leave their job you are going to say negative things about their company.
Be able to tell why you quitted your previous job without tarnishing the image of the company as well as not making the blame face you.

Follow Up your interview

A lot of people just wait for the company to call them out of the hundreds or thousands who got interviewed but the truth is a simple thank you email to the hiring manager who sent you interview date and information would do well. Also make sure you make your intention to work in the company become notable.

Never see an interview as a war, rather it should be seen as an avenue to meet with the company. When you are going for an interview, never forget this points listed above.

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