AT&T Closes Directv Operations in Venezuela.

Hello dear readers!

Venezuela woke up to face another bad chapter in this tragic history that we have been living for some years, it seems that we are increasingly isolated, due to the fact that our options for information or entertainment are limited.



First, a few years ago, the Venezuelan state began to close some media, recently the satellite television provided by the state through the telecommunications company Cantv stopped working without much or no explanation, leaving many homes behind. without the service.

My personal experience.

Today after getting up to check the platforms, read some publications, answer some comments and have breakfast, I was sitting in front of the television to see some news from the country when suddenly the television channel I was watching was left without a signal.

I was testing some connection and verifying that there was a satellite signal and indeed there was a satellite signal, I thought that this situation was caused by a failure in the Directv platform. I went out with my wife to do some shopping to return and meet the news on the Internet.

Directv closed operations.

Today the telecommunications multinational AT&T announced the closure of Directv Latin America's operations in Venezuela.

AT&T reported in a statement published on its website that the US sanctions on Venezuela prohibit the broadcast of the Globovisión and Pdvsa TV channels.

Directv owns approximately 45% of the subscription television market in Venezuela.

AT&T is the largest pay television company in Venezuela and was one of the last major US companies that still operated in the country affected by the political, economic and social crisis. Directv has a 23-year tradition in the country and 600 employees.



"Since it is impossible for AT&T's Directv unit to comply with the legal requirements of both countries, AT&T was forced to close its pay television operations in Venezuela," said the multinational.

"Because it is impossible for AT & T's DIRECTV unit to comply with the legal requirements of both countries, AT&T was forced to close its pay TV operations in Venezuela, a decision that was made by the company's US leadership team without any involvement or prior knowledge of the DIRECTV Venezuela team. "


This announcement affects a large part of the Venezuelan population, mostly those who live in the interior of the country due to the deficiency in open signal television, which is why people made an effort to access satellite television to achieve informed and have some distraction in the family.

If access to Directv, or any other satellite television option, will undoubtedly be much more difficult for many to deal with confinement, access information or keep the little ones in the house entertained.

This announcement represents another sign that shows the deterioration and setbacks that we Venezuelans are facing and that without a doubt is taking us back decades in a country with a lot of wealth on its soil.

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