President Trump, the populist canary in the coal mine?


The Canary.

A canary is a small bird that coal miners used to take down with them in coal mines to warn them of dangerous carbon dioxide levels. If the miners notice the canary die or be rendered unconscious, the miners would quickly evacuate the coal mine so they wouldn't have a similar fate. In essence, the carbon dioxide will kill the canary before the miners, and it was a good early-warning system.

The phrase is used to symbolize a warning of an impending doom. The election of Donald Trump is the canary in this context.

Trump was the symptom.

Former United States President Donald Trump has been reckless, incoherent, rambling, and unapologetic. All of which, I can get passed. But within all of that dysfunction, he has unveiled to the American people a truth that many politicians for decades have carefully hidden and helped cause; the United States has an economic insecurity problem! And it's getting worse.

Even though “mass media” and “conventional wisdom” has told us that the protesters are angry because of racism, xenophobia, elections, and Trump...the protesters from all sides have much more in common than they think; more debt, less savings, stagnant real wages in a growing number of industries and a growing wealth divide between the top 40% and bottom 60%. Trump wasn't the problem, he was the symptom of people's frustration.

Trump was a warning.

The violent protests at the Capitol a few weeks ago and in the streets most of last year have made it abundantly clear, Americans want systemic economic change, not empty promises. And they don't care who does it, they just want it done.

If people have money in their pocket, a bright future, job prospects, low debt, high-income, and high net worth...they don't complain as much...because they're too busy enjoying their lives.

I bet Congressional members at the Capitol Building from both parties were fearful about what can potentially happen as the protesters were bearing down on them. I hope they understand that this potentially is the beginning, not the end. Trump the Populist was the canary in the coal mine. His populism was a warning that our economic system is failing more and more people, and the violence could get a lot worse. I hope our leaders are listening now.

Stay frosty people.

50% allocated to ph-fund.


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