How to get things done: Effective delegation process.

One very basic ingredient of management is to get a task accomplished and in order for a task to get accomplished, it has to be delegated properly, a good management scheme knows very well that he or she cannot carry out every task on his own or her own hence the need to get every task delegated properly.

Customers and investors are really not concerned about the process with which you get things handled, all they want to see is the result and it becomes the full responsibility of the management to make sure that these things are done properly and successfully.


As a good manager or a member of the management team, how do you get things done?

Every morning as a manager who is in charge of getting things done, the proper thing is to get a list of the activities you want to get accomplished for the day and after the list for those activities have been drawn out, personal thoughtful questions needs to receive answers.

Some of the questions.

When is the deadline for this task to get accomplished?

With a deadline in sight, there is going to be a great determinant of which project should come first and the ones that can be delayed a little bit longer, most often it is good to give a deadline that will help you cover up in case there is a flop what I mean by that is this: if you have a deadline of submitting a project in three weeks, get your staff to make that project a success within two weeks, that will provide room for any case of adjustment wherever necessary.


Who is the right person for this task?

As a manager it is your duty to understand the strength and the weaknesses of every member of staff that you have, this implies that you will have to know the particularly intelligent person that will be able to handle that task without flaws and also deliver the task before the deadline.

Follow up on the task.

After assigning the appointed task to staff, get to follow up the progress of the activities done get a constant report on what is going on, ask for a report on a weekly or monthly basis. It is what you inspect that people get the fear to deliver on time, do not expect your subordinates to be perfect there will always be periods when they will make mistakes and you just need to accept it as a learning process.

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