Hello all friends of Project Hope today I want to talk a little about the importance of women in today's society from the paradigm shift of being a person with equal rights.


Talking about the role of women in today's society is a real challenge, because in this century it is not only about taking care of the family and maintaining the home as in previous centuries, but also about being in a position in which she must work to be the economic support for herself and her family, continue to take care of the house, the children and in many occasions of family members who depend directly on her care. Today we are faced with a female citizen with rights who should live under equal conditions but who in most cases, especially in less developed countries, continues to be at a disadvantage with respect to her male counterparts.

However, even with thousands of barriers and stumbling blocks, women have managed to establish their own line of action, becoming people who are capable of reinventing themselves every day, who study and prepare themselves, finding their raison d'être in a unique spirit of struggle and survival that defines them as true pillars of society. In this 21st century we find women in top management positions who have managed to combine their family and home life with the work demands of being managers or directors of large and small companies. We find women in high positions at the level of local, regional and even international politics, making decisions that were previously the sole preserve of men.


At the scientific and technological level, women participate in the great discoveries and advances in medicine, science and technology, without forgetting all those who participate in innovations in the care of the environment and the ecosystem. Today the participation of women in the economic growth of nations is more than a contribution, it is a fundamental basis for the increase in job creation, because it is no secret that women are great entrepreneurs and it is they who through family businesses, micro enterprises and small businesses that have opened a new space where you can generate income from manual labor or craftsmanship to the most elaborate ideas to promote a profitable economy.


In this journey through the role of women in today's society I cannot fail to mention our women artists, those who no longer hide behind a male pseudonym as in the XVIII and XIX century to publish and exhibit their works for fear of discrimination. Those who through their creativity and sensitivity make this world a place where art and beauty are appreciated in all their works and who are leaving an important artistic legacy for our future generations. Those who stand out in sports and have changed the schemes and paradigms that for decades kept them away from the courts, gyms and sports circuits, those who have been the reason why the sports world has had to adapt its rules and regulations that were exclusively male to include women, not as an obligation but rather as an acquired right, earned with effort and dedication.


And in this article I cannot forget to mention the brave women who are part of the security and military forces in all countries, those who before could only occupy the position of nurses on the war fronts today are those who defend their nations. Those who every day risk their lives to maintain the safety of citizens in the police forces, those who are firefighters, paramedics and finally, those who expose themselves and their lives are at the service of the common good. Likewise, my recognition to the women farm workers, those who spend every day of their existence cultivating, harvesting and processing natural products such as meat, dairy, vegetables, among other derivatives with their own hands and resources.


As you can appreciate this is just a small summary of the importance of women in today's society, a call for their recognition and value in modern society, because even today women suffer discrimination, mistreatment, violence and are even minimized in some cultures where they have no rights. We are all important for the balance and survival of the planet, women are as important as men in this common place we inhabit and call planet earth.

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