Are Offices Doomed to Die or will they Survive Covid-19

From spending hundreds, thousands, or let’s say millions of dollars getting an office location, to furnishing and getting office supplies, to maintenance and repair, a lot of companies have spent too much that they never thought of a day when their offices will be vacant and they won’t be having troupes of people coming into their office location but the pandemic changed a lot of things.


A lot of people have been lay offed, a few others are now asked to work from home, it is no doubt that the future of office space is shaky, but would it be the end for it. In the past, large corporations are identified by tall buildings and large areas of land since employee sizes demands that the company expands its offices and make it accommodative for its employees but recently, a lot of companies have asked their employees to work remotely and so many employees have testified to the fact that working remotely made it easy to work and achieve more than they usually do in office spaces.

Before the beginning of the pandemic, employment had to include how to relate with other members of staffs and a lot of companies even used Myers-Briggs type indicator to check if the employee will be compatible and their personality would be something detrimental or beneficial to the company but recently, companies now care about results from employees since they work remotely.


So many people still say that the workspace cannot be completely ruled out, well I will agree to this as there are a lot of industry that requires people coming together physically to achieve a purpose. Also, it is no doubt that a lot of people rely on physical relationship to do business. I have a friend who will only do business with a person after studying and reading the persons body language when they go for breakfast or lunch, for this type of people, they still prefer the physical office method to completely remote method


Could we say that having office was something that came with the industrial revolution and since every revolution or crisis comes with changes, the pandemic could be the end of office working? Or do we say that since no company has sold off its office space and waiting for Covid-19 to go away, offices are likely going to come back?

You can share your thoughts on offices and the future of the office world in the comment. Thanks a lot for reading, till next time.

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