Starting Your Business Immediately without a long Plan

I was talking to a friend some time back and he mentioned having a great idea abut he wasn’t going to share it with me. Oh, I told him that’s good but I felt really irritated as c’mon, an idea is an idea, very useless until tested and proven worthwhile. A person has at least an idea a year that they believe will turn into a million dollar company or fetch them millions in dollars as profit even when the idea sucks. The difference between the guy down your street who is already starting his second project and you who is keeping your idea as sacred as the sacrament is execution. The ability to execute the ideas is what differentiates you both.


You see, it is one thing to have an idea, it is another thing to execute it. Execution is the difference between the idea keeper and the idea achiever like I said previously but then, something else is important to know and that is the fact that planning when starting a business is important but getting the business done is more important. A lot of people plan to start a business and then they spend a lot of time and resources to get this business into a perfect drawing and sketch only to release a product or business nobody wants to associate with or like. This is going to be a complete waste of time money and skills but rather, it is important that you use the do it now while learning rule. Instead of planning for a very long time and spending a lot of time and money starting big, it is advisable to minimize your planning, start the business as soon as possible and start building a business model as the business grows. It is important to build the business, measure every action taken and learn from the actions.

A business aims at building the right thing a customer wants and be willing to pay for immediately. First, understand what customers wants and how to serve them better. Every solution formed into a business should be experimented after which the product or business should be built.

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