Book by Dale Carnegie - How to win friends and influence people- How to Interest People

Hello Everyone

I had published a post about one of the topics from the book by Dale almost 2 weeks back. That topic was to finding our wrong and admit it. Its not at all easy and I see many people trying to blame someone else rather than taking it on themselves.



Reading is fun but sometimes because of the busy and hectic schedules its not possible to finish a chapter in a week and this time it took almost 2 weeks. It is so much fun because whatever I read in the book, I do it with full concentration, and this way I thoroughly enjoy reading. These days I am reading the book by Dale Carnegie and book title is "How to win friends and influence people"



Today in this post I want to talk about the topic- How to Interest People and I find this topic quite interesting. I believe that any conversation is not fun unless everyone part of it takes interest and share their thoughts about it. In fact, if people participate with interest then we all enjoy the discussion and it turned out to be more productive and learning full as well. I must mention that Dale has been such a great writer and he has written these useful chapters over 70 years back and even now all these are very helpful for us to learn and grow as a person in life.

Many thanks to @crypto.piotr for this wonderful initiative and allowing reading this book and learning to get something useful out of the book. I also like to thanks @juanmolina for suggesting a wonderful world of knowledge. I see many authors over here reading the book and sharing their thought through the post. This book has a lot to read and this is something that we should read with full concentration so that these topics we understand better and implement in our life.



Talk in terms of the other person’s interests

Author Dale Carnegie has elaborated this like significantly and if you read out in detail then you found it very useful. Its true that everyone wants to talk about their interest and if we give them the opportunity then for sure they are going to take and even they show their enthusiasm that makes it super fun. On the other, if you do just the opposite then you will find a lack of interest and participation. After all, any conversation and interaction are not just about speaking instead listening to it also equally important.



The ways that we need to follow to make people interested in something we require almost everywhere. Be it your office, house, and even at the relative's place because the human tendency is the same. This is simple that people don't show interest unless the topic of their choice so we pick the same then we will certainly achieve it.

This is one of the best-selling books by Dale and even after 70 years, it has a huge audience who likes his thoughts and experiences even now in the year 2020.

I will start reading another topic and will share about it in my next post.
Thank you so much for your time.


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