Book by Dale Carnegie -How to win friends and influence people- A Formula that will Work Wonders for You

Hello Everyone

I had published a post about one of the topics from the book by Dale almost a month back. That topic was to figure out what everybody wants and it was such a nice chapter that I enjoyed reading. Its very important to understand what people expect and once we got to know this is very easy to have a conversation and interact with them.


Book Reading is fun but sometimes because of the busy and hectic schedules its not possible to finish a chapter in a week. This time it took almost 2 weeks for me to finish and I am back to share another chapter in this post. It is so much fun because whatever I read in the book, I do it with full concentration, and this way I thoroughly enjoy reading. These days I am reading the book by Dale Carnegie and book title is "How to win friends and influence people"

Today in this post I want to talk about the topic- A Formula that will Work Wonders for You. This sounds so exciting that what it could which will do the wonders. It creates curiosity to all about it how can we follow the same in our life to make things amazing.


Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.

This one line carries a very meaningful thought and lesson. We usually expect people to follow what we think but as per the author, Dale things should be the other way round. Instead of expecting others to follow it, we should follow it. If we try to see things from the other person's point of view then we would be able to find the problem and challenges the other person is going through.


Life is different for everyone and it totally depends on how we want to make it however in any case two people can not have the same life, same goal, and even challenges. We should also not be judging anyone unless we know more about him. try to put your feelings on another person's shoe then you get to know more about him and it will also make us understand that comparison is not fair.

This is one of the best-selling books by Dale and even after 70 years, it has a huge audience who likes his thoughts and experiences even now in the year 2020.

I will start reading another topic and will share about it in my next post.

Thank you so much for your time.


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