DIY Edible Beetroot Lip Balm for Lip-Licking Goodness!

Apart from using beetroot for pickling, soup, or as a garnish, I've discovered its versatility as a cosmetic colorant. Its vivid hue complements all skin tones, while its antioxidant-rich composition adds nourishment. Beyond its vibrant beauty, beetroot offers numerous health benefits. My unique approach not only enhances its color but also prolongs its vibrancy. Let me share my variation for incorporating this natural gem into natural cosmetic products.

Ingredients: 💄

1 tablespoon beeswax pellets or grated beeswax
1 tablespoon ghee, shea butter, or any preferred oil
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon beetroot syrup (made with beetroot juice and sugar in a 1:1 ratio, and 1-5% citric acid)
15 drops Peppermint essential oil
Vitamin E capsule or oil (add 1 gram per 100 ml)
Lecithin 1/2 teaspoon (optional)


Wash and peel the fresh beetroot. Then grate it gently.

If you prefer to avoid staining your hands pink, consider wearing gloves.

Strain the beetroot through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to extract the juice.

I extracted 50 mL of beetroot juice.

I added 50 grams of sugar and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid, turning it into a raw preserved beetroot syrup. Citric acid regulates the acidity, making it difficult for bad bacteria to grow and it will make the color brighter longer.

In a heat-safe container, gently heat up the beeswax.

Combine the coconut oil, ghee, and lecithin (if using). Lecithin helps make the mixture smoother and gives it a bit of an oomph.

Gently heat the mixture until everything melts together, stirring occasionally. Use a double boiler if preferred.

Once melted, remove the bowl from heat and stir in one tablespoon of beetroot juice until the color is evenly distributed.

If desired, add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance and mix well. I added peppermint for freshness, which also acts as a plumper. Then add the Vitamin E for its antioxidant properties.

Keep stirring to mix the beetroot syrup with the oil. Just before the mixture is about to set, it becomes a thicker liquid. Then it is the best time to transfer it into lip balm tubes and containers. If you miss that chance, just heat it up very briefly and stir again.

If you find it tricky, simply stir until the mixture turns creamy and transfer it into a lip balm container.

Allow the lip balm to cool and solidify at room temperature before using and store them in a cool, dry place.

The result is a glossy balm that glides nicely on lips, leaving a pinky shade.

If you want it on your cheeks, go ahead. It will give you a beautiful blush.

I bottled the leftover beetroot syrup. I normally transfer a portion into a small container or dispenser for ease of use.

It can be used as a lip tint for a brighter shade.

Just a drop is enough to brighten lips. Taste-wise, it is beetrooty sweet, with a nice tang from the citric acid and a minty freshness of peppermint. Trying to prevent myself from licking it.

Enjoy your homemade edible beetroot lipstick balm made with fresh beetroot! Toxic chemical-free and fun to do.

A healthier alternative to conventional lip balms, promoting sustainability and natural beauty!

Thank you for your time, and I hope I inspired you to make your own delicious, lip plumping and nourishing beetroot lip balm!

Have fun, everyone!
Mariah 💗

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