My First Fractal Collage For LMAC - What Are We Celebrating?


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"Why are there so many lights, Mommy? And those sprays coming up from the lake, just like a fountain. But they're as tall as the buildings! And oooohhhh, the pretty smoke, it's like a rainbow!" marveled the small child.

"Shhhhhh!!! Just enjoy the laser and water show! The fireworks should start any second!" replied the young mother as she scooped her daughter into her arms. No sooner had she said this than the bright red machine across the pond sent forth a volley of blue fireworks, which cut through the mist and light like shooting stars.

Once it was all over, the smiling young lady looked down at her daughter. "Susannah, this was to celebrate our first true spring in fifty years! Usually the rains come much later. Really smart people have said that this will be the first spring in my lifetime, but if we treat the Earth with kindness, there will be many more. I hope you will remember this day when you grow up, and tell your children about it."

The child simply looked at her and smiled, not really understanding the significance of the event.

If you would like to enter, click here. This is also the source of the background image. All fractals are my own.

Fractals used, which are my original work: Streaks has been resized to load easier.




Collage created using Gimp, a free program.

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