Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 41

Hello dear followers;

Today my collage entry was inspired by one of the most fantastic beasts appearing in natural science books from the historical period of Western civilization, from lions and crocodiles to dragons and phoenixes, both real and imaginary animals captivated the imagination of the V century to XV century. The vulture is one of the most surprising animals in the repertoire of the medieval bestiary. Since it feeds on dead human flesh and can apparently smell dead bodies, however, most medieval descriptions and images of this bird are positive.

The Vulture


Photograph provided by @shaka


Image used: https://pixabay.com/es/illustrations/ave-buitre-arte-vintage-2405621/


The placed images are provided by the photoshop brushes, and for the gif I used GIPHY.

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