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Let's make a collage round 89

Hello everyone, it's another round of the lmac contest and here's my submission.

My collage was done with Photoshop, this sea pirate has been a very bad girl, she has made the sea unsafe for it's users and the village magician has had it with her.
This scene shows the magician fighting her and putting an end to her evil ways, you can see her loots going to waste.....Finally the sea will be safe again.

The following images gotten from pixabay were used to make this collage

These are the direct links






The colourful stuff that encircles her little boat and other additional things was done with my Photoshop paint brush and I love it.

Did you know that the Let's make a collage contest will be going on a short summer break? Join now and win some hive.

Thanks for visiting my blog, enjoy the rest of your weekend
Cheers 💞💞