The "little cakes" of Kokora / Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 190

Friends of this fabulous contest, I leave you my participation in the Round 190 of Let's Make a Collage, to which the @lmac team has invited us to play with the beautiful photography that, as it does every week, @shaka offers us.

Amigos de este fabuloso concurso, les dejo mi participación en el Round 190 de Let's Make a Collage, al cual nos ha invitado el equipo @lmac para que juguemos con la hermosa fotografía que, como lo hace cada semana, @shaka nos ofrece.

The "little cakes" of Kokora

lmac90 (2).gif

Mientras la tierra gira y gira, Kokora, la aliada deidad que con su ojo universal lo observa todo; contempla y protege a sus "pastelitos". Los pequeños pastores que conducen un rebaño de pasiones, que cultivan sueños astrales, que siembran verdes entre las montañas imperecederas.

While the earth turns and turns, Kokora, the allied deity who with her universal eye observes everything; contemplates and protects her "little cakes". The little shepherds who lead a flock of passions, who cultivate astral dreams, who sow greens among the imperishable mountains.

Traducción al inglés: DeepL

Plantilla original
de @shaka👇

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#LIL by @agmoore.

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#LIL by @agmoore.

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Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

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Contributed to the
#LIL by @renata96.

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Contributed to the
#LIL by @alex2alex.

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