Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 98 - ✨229 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨ "If it were true"

Greetings to the members of the Let's Make a Collage community. Here I present to you the collage of round 98, which I have decided to call "If it were true ".

Today the protagonist of my story is David, a businessman who shares a weekend with his friends.

For David and his friends, a new day begins and with it new adventures. ¡Joseph, Louis, Edward, get up, get up; an expedition awaits us! .... Nobody answers, they drank too much last night. So David began the journey. At that moment voices were heard in that desolate environment. Supported by his curiosity, he crept down into a cave, unable to believe his eyes. It was a place of indescribable beauty, fantastic, enchanting; that stimulated and captivated his senses; a magical, idyllic place, a multicolored paradise, with dream creatures such as mermaids, tritons, dragons and giant snails. Enraptured admiring the details, he was rudely interrupted by a voice saying "David, David, wake up or you'll be late for work!...Oh no it was all a dream.... "If only it were true."....
Saludos a los miembros de la comunidad de Hagamos un Collage. Aquí os presento el collage de la ronda 98, que he decidido llamar "Si fuese verdad"

Hoy el protagonista de mi historia es David, un empresario que comparte un fin de semana con sus amigos.

Para David y sus amigos comienza un nuevo día y con él nuevas aventuras. ¡José, Luis, Eduardo, levántense, levántense; una expedición nos espera! .... Nadie responde,bebieron demasiado la noche anterior. Así que David comenzó el viaje. En ese momento se oyeron voces en aquel entorno desolado. Apoyado en su curiosidad, descendió sigilosamente por una cueva, no podía creer lo que veían sus ojos. Era un lugar de indescriptible belleza, fantástico, encantador; que estimulaba y cautivaba sus sentidos; un lugar mágico, idílico, un paraíso multicolor, con criaturas de ensueño como sirenas, tritones, dragones y caracoles gigantes. Embelesado admirando los detalles, fue interrumpido bruscamente por una voz que le decía "¡David, David, despierta o llegarás tarde al trabajo!... Oh no, todo era un sueño.... "Si fuese verdad"...

I used images from our lmac library, purepng and pxfuel these are the sources:
Usé imágenes de nuestra biblioteca lmac, purepng y pxfuel, estas son las fuentes:

@shaka Original image

Contributed to the #LIL by @seckorama.

Contributed to the #LIL by @evagavilan2.

Source of pxfuel

Source of purepng

Thank you for your support we see you soon
Gracias por su apoyo, nos vemos pronto.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)
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