Let's Make a Collage Round 219 - El rey y su gato es/en

De vuelta a mi concurso favorito "Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive" en la edición 219 , estuve desaparecido por algunos compromisos, pero ya estamos de otra vez aquí, a experimentar mundo locos inspirados en una imagen de partida, que esta vez es lo alto de una montaña, que son lugares muy tranquilos lo regular, pero en esta fantasía resulto ser diferente, estamos frente a un gato viejo con cachos que acabo de comer a algo o a alguien, se ve cansado, pero es bien peligroso, este está cerca de su dueño, un Rey despiadado sin sentimientos, un cara dura, que quizás quiere conquistar el mundo y ya está visualizando su plan desde la altura, en el fondo un templo inalcanzable que adorna el fondo y que emite una energía extraña.... me pregunto ¿para qué serán esas granadas por activar? En conclusión, en esta altura no hay paz, ni armonía, hay es peligro.

Para la edición de las imágenes use Photoshop, las imágenes usadas como la del gato la tome yo y este gato estaba en el banco cerca de casa y él con esa cara de fastidio, la otra es de un cuarzo cristal que me dio por fotografiar en la noche bajo la luz de la vela, el resto son imágenes sacadas de LIL , de las cuales me encanto el monumento y la granada.


Imagen del concurso


LIL Preview image
Contributed to the #LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @muelli.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Imagen de gato sacada de mis fotos.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Imagen sacada de galeria de telefono y tomada hace dias con la luz de una vela, con mi telefono.



@lmac 20% / @seckorama 2% / @muelli 2% / @agmoore 2%

Gracias espero les guste y estare pendiente de los comentarios

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Back to my favorite contest "Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive" in the 219th edition, I was missing for some commitments, but here we are again, to experience crazy worlds inspired by a starting image, which this time is the top of a mountain, which are usually very quiet places, but in this fantasy it turned out to be Different, we are in front of an old cat with horns that just ate something or someone, it looks tired, but it is very dangerous, it is close to its owner, a ruthless king without feelings, a hard face, who perhaps wants to conquer the world and is already visualizing his plan from above, in the background an unreachable temple that adorns the background and emits a strange energy... I wonder what those grenades will be for? In conclusion, at this height there is no peace, nor harmony, there is danger.

For the editing of the images I used Photoshop, the images used like the cat I took and this cat was on the bench near my house and he had that face of annoyance, the other is of a crystal quartz that I decided to photograph at night under the candle light, the rest are images taken from LIL , of which I loved the monument and the grenade.


Contest image


LIL Preview image
Contributed to the #LIL by @seckorama.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @muelli.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @agmoore.

Cat image taken from my photos.

LIL Preview image
Contribute ted to the
#LIL by @agmoore.
taken from phone gallery and taken days ago with candlelight, with my phone.



@lmac 20% / @seckorama 2% / @muelli 2% / @agmoore 2%

Thanks I hope you like it and I'll be waiting for the comments

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