collage libre / fortaleza, belleza y libertad

Hola, este arte era el correspondiente a la sesión de A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 204, pero por distintas razones no pude terminarlo a tiempo, igualmente no quería que se quedara perdido en mis archivos y decidí mostrarlo.

Para este collage, tome en cuenta una foto que en una iglesia que está en San Martin en Caracas, que cuenta con esta mujer con la antorcha, quería integrar esa imagen a un rostro, con el castillo de la iniciativa de Let´s Make Collage, agregando otros elementos complementarios como las flores.

Me hace gracia que la imagen del hombre es un boxeador y lo converti en una criatura delicada...


.imagen base de Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 204

Fotografía tomada por mi de la iglesia ubicada en San Martin Caracas.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @teungkulik.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @m1alsan.



Fotografía de porqués y flores tomada por mí

Foto de Marlon Schmeiski:


@lmac 20% / @teungkulik 2% / @m1alsan. 2%

¡Espero les guste! Denme sus opiniones.


Hello, this art was the one corresponding to the session of A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 204, but for various reasons I couldn't finish it in time, I also didn't want it to be lost in my files and I decided to show it.

For this collage, I took into account a photo in a church in San Martin in Caracas, which has this woman with the torch, I wanted to integrate that image into a face, with the castle from the Let's Make Collage initiative. , adding other complementary elements such as flowers.

It makes me laugh that the image of the man is a boxer and I turned him into a delicate creature...


[.base image of Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 204 ](@lmac/lets-make-a-collage-a-contest-for-all-creatives-on -hive-round-204-85-hive-in-the-prize-pool)

Photograph taken by me of the church located in San Martin Caracas.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @teungkulik.

LIL Preview image
Contributed to the
#LIL by @m1alsan.



Photography of whys and flowers taken by me

Photo by Marlon Schmeiski:


@lmac 20% / @teungkulik 2% / @m1alsan. 2%

I hope you like it! Give me your opinions.

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