New Beginnings | LET'S MAKE A COLLAGE: ROUND #133


I'm back again participating in the Let's Make a Collage ("LMAC") weekly contest. For this Round #133, we have as an inspiring starting point a rugged landscape image with a mountainous background. I want to share three collage themes depicting what harsh life can occur.

To create the setting, I started with the photograph provided by @shaka in his contest post: Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 133 - ✨200 HIVE in the Prize Pool!

Image used with permission of contest owner for contest


COLLAGE #1: Safe Passage At the Oasis

In my first collage theme, I wanted to depict a desert setting. Nomads, traveling to their destination, stop at the oasis. Previously, the spot familiar to them was desolate. Many times, they stopped and took rest near a certain spot. Unable to continue on, many perished there.

Several months ago, they'd heard that nourishment at the same spot flowed in abundance. Vegetation was lush and plentiful. They hesitated to undertake the journey. However, their faith pushed them forward. The closer to the desolate spot, they smelled moisture in the air. The shadow of an eagle overhead left a smile on their faces.

Upon arrival, they discovered an unusual statute guarding the precious waters. They'd never seen the statute before. Was the water safe to consume, they wondered. Their faith wouldn't allow them to otherwise; else why would their God lead them there at that moment in time.



As the foreground, I chose a desert image that included an odd shaped head and upper body statute in the sand. His face seems to be buried. To create the collage, I uploaded all images into Canva to blend them utilizing my Annual Pro Membership Subscription. Images from the LIL fit perfects as the eagle flying over and the various cacti.


COLLAGE #2 Escape From Chaos

In my second collage theme, I wanted to portray a calmer scene. A young girl ventures from her undersea home. She's drawn by the serene atmosphere of her surroundings. She can concentrate. She can pray for a better tomorrow. Her favorite animals come to visit as she reads her prose. For this night, all is well above ground.



I was fortunate to locate a lovely and serene scene for the top portion of my theme. A young woman sitting next to a tree looks as though she's on a lonely island with only her thoughts. The bottom portion of the scene I utilized to place the chaos of fire and danger. I used only the water portion of the contest photo. Deep Dream Generator assisted in filtering the photo to create an image of lava flowing into the water.


COLLAGE #3 A New Beginning

Relocation is never easy. Starting over once you've destroyed your past is nearly impossible. Especially if that past consists of your world as you knew it. We didn't realize the situation, once unleashed, was irreversible. We were forewarned. The conundrums were revealed in our Book. For millennium, words left behind warned the non-believers. But they were too intelligent. They knew not what they thought they knew.

The fallout was catastrophic. Laid to bare were our sins and vengeance upon one another. Race against race. Reconciliation was stricken from the knowledge keepers. In destroying our world, have we also laid waste to others. For the continuation of the human race, we're now forced to discover what lies beyond.

Where will we go? Now, we carry glad tidings in our bosom. But, is it too late? Will we be welcomed or treated as outcasts with distrusting eyes? Will they destroy our world also with their ignorance, the others will say. The Word is kept close and sacred. Only if we leave the intelligent behind to lament over their dystopia may be have a genuine chance at peace. Come all who possess common sense that we may show others our folly in hopes of a new beginning.

Will we succeed? Only time will tell I feel.



In this space scene, I located a photo of an astronaut secured by a rope. This was perfect as a theme of a dying civilization being taken to safety somewhere. I didn't required a lot of images to complete my theme. However, I was totally surprised by the way @onyechi's blue water image from the LIL transformed itself into the white mist. You can still see the edges of the trees. Again, I blended all images in Canva.


I appreciate your visit and hope you like my collage themes.




It is imperative that you read the post LMAC School - Public Domain Picture sources (Free Materials for creating collages) by @quantumg, which discusses public domain issues. The post offers valuable information on images for commercial use. Links are included to sources that offer public domain images and other images that are free for commercial uses. Using public domain pictures and free pictures for commercial use are requirements for all collages that are submitted as entries in the LMAC contest and the LMAC Image Library (LIL).

What is Let's Make a Collage?It is a weekly photography and collage contest.
Who created the contest?@shaka is the contest owner.
What type of contest is it?This Contest utilizes a single photo provided by the contest owner as the basis for you to create your own photo collage by adding to the photo provided.
What are the rules?1. Use as your starting point for your collage the photography provided by the contest owner. It is located on the contest owner's post for free use without any copyright protection.
2. Entries are required to be posted to the LMAC community and must contain a link to the contest post.
3. Entries need to set the LMAC account (@lmac) as 20% beneficiary to be eligible for the dynamic component of the prize pool.;
4. Extra support with the LMAC trail to all collages where LIL assets have been included AND the respective LIL-contributors set as 2% beneficiaries;
5. By submitting your contribution you agree that your artwork remains public domain and that it can be copied, modified and distributed, even for commercial purposes, without requiring further permission.
6. Any graphical element that is added to the photography either needs to be your own original work (e.g. own artwork or photography) OR needs to derive from sites whitelisted by LMAC.
7. IMPORTANT: Indicate the source of all materials used in your accompanying post. Otherwise your entry can NOT be put up for the final vote.
8. All sort of editing, modification and/or manipulation is allowed as long as no copyright is affected.
What do you win?Prizes listed on the contest owner's post.



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines.
f) Image created in Canva by @justclickindiva utilizing one of its free templates.

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