Let's Make a Collage (Round 81) : Here Comes The Moon

This is my submission for Let’s Make a Collage round 81. The contest was held by @shaka here : https://hivel.ink/hive-174695/@shaka/lets-make-a-collage-a-contest-for-all-creatives-on-hive-round-81-158-hive-in-the-prize-pool.

This round @shaka needs participants to start with this picture:

The Story

Two days ago, @failingforwards posted this article entitled Bought my first NFT - What a rush here: @failingforwards/bought-my-first-nft-what-a-rush. I was curious about what is NFT, in fact I still am. @failingforwards wrote how he bought a music piece and cover from @stayten. I know that @stayten has been creating music some times ago from a conversation on the The Terminal Discord server. This is a great progress, I thought. Hey, @stayten, Congrats, I am happy for you. And congrats also to @failingforwards for your first NFT buying. This is @stayten NFT showroom as mentioned in @failingforwards post : https://nftshowroom.com/stayten/gallery.

So when I saw this picture provided by @shaka for Let’s Make a Collage contest, I imagined an album cover for @stayten. And then the story goes.

The Work

In addition to the picture provided by @shaka, I used two other pictures :
This picture was from https://pixabay.com/illustrations/wolf-wolves-dog-lupine-canine-1247882/. A free for commercial use and no attribution required licended picture.
And @stayten’s discord profile picture which was used under his permission.

I created this picture on Photoshop CS 3. I used Rabies_Stars brushes that I downloaded from https://all-free-download.com/photoshop-brushes/download/20_star_brush_39972_download.html.

The Result

So here it is, @stayten Howlin’ At The Moon album cover. Oh, and maybe you wonder why “The MATH Production”, that’s from @stayten’s last work titled “Stuck In Math”.


Thanks for reading. :D I hope you’d like the work, @stayten. :D

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