Let's Make a Collage-Round 218 || Evanescence

Hola amigos!

Esta semana comparto con ustedes algo ligero con lo que quiero representar, relajación, meditación, limpieza y ligereza interior. Como siempre para lograr mi objetivo hice uso de las imágenes espectaculares provistas por #lil además de otras de libre uso, tomadas de Pixabay.

Hello friends, this week I share with you something light with what I want to represent, relaxation, meditation, inner cleanliness and lightness. As always to achieve my goal I made use of the spectacular images provided by #lil plus others for free use, taken from Pixabay.

My Collage

Recursos/ Resources

by @shaka

@redheadpei-Dory Propelled By Oars

Edición en Photoscape/Photoscape editing

Gracias por tu vista y apoyo
Thank you for your visit and support!!

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You can participate If you wish, here is the link:


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