Let's Make a Collage - Round 145 - Visions and colors (ES/EN)

La vida me seguia llevando a escenarios extraordinarios y sorprendentes, las visiones y los colores que pasaban frente a mis ojos eran dificiles de creer, y siempre que le quería contar mis anecdotas a los demas, solian decir que solo era producto de mi imaginacion o que ya había tomado demasiado alcohol...
Supongo que este privilegio es solo para unos pocos.

Life kept taking me to extraordinary and surprising scenarios, the visions and colors that passed in front of my eyes were hard to believe, and whenever I wanted to tell my anecdotes to others, they used to say that it was just a product of my imagination or that I had already had too much alcohol... I guess this privilege is only for a few.

Te presento mi participacion para la ronda 145 de Hagamos un collage!

Te invito a participar y compartirnos tus creaciones, enterate de todo aquí. Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 145 - ✨104 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

Here's my entry for the 145th round of Let's Make a Collage!

I invite you to participate and share with us your creations, find out everything here. Let's Make a Collage - A Contest for All Creatives on Hive - Round 145 - ✨104 HIVE in the Prize Pool!✨

Aquí te comparto los recursos utilizados.

Here are the resources used


¡Y la imagen original del concurso! // And the original contest image!

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