Happy Hive Birthday, @agmoore: LMAC #156

lmac 156 cupcakes gif.gif

On February 11, 2018, I published my first blog on the blockchain. February is my Hive birthday month. In celebration of that, I have made a birthday collage, using as a base @shaka's template photo. Here is the template photo for the #156 LMAC Collage Contest.

FnahqCg - Imgur.jpg

February is also the month in which my mother was born. She was born on February 2 (tomorrow). We never forget because February 2 is Groundhog's Day in the USA.

With birthdays on my mind today, I started thinking about birthday customs around the world. I came up with some interesting facts that offer insight on the cultural perspective of the countries featured.

Birthdays Traditions in Different Countries


Takin, National Animal of Bhutan
buthan Takin,_Thimphu_mini-zoo Stephen Shephard 3.0.pngCredit:Stephen Shephard. Used under CC 3.0 license

Individual birthdays are not celebrated in Bhutan. On January 1, everyone in the country is a year older. The Bhutanese will explain that it is not the number of years lived that are important, but how one lives those years. (Information derived from Ixigo Travel Stories)

Great Wall of China
China-Grosse_Mauer-120-2012-gje Gerd Eichmann 4.0.jpg
Credit: Gerd Eichmann. Used under CC 4.0 International License.

In China, only certain birthdays are celebrated: 1, 10, 60, 70. Good wishes may be extended on the day of or before a birthday. Belated wishes are not welcome.

An interesting Chinese custom: on a child's first birthday noodles are served but must be slurped and not bitten. To bite into noodles would suggest a shortened lifespan.

Once a person turns 60, it is considered that they have passed a landmark. They have completed a life cycle. After that, each decade is celebrated grandly (Information on birthdays in China derived from TrueLanguage)

North Korea
Road Leading to Ulim Falls, North Korea
Road_leading_to_the_Ulim_Waterfalls_-_North_Korea_(10352802746) uri tours uri tours.com 2.0.png
Credit: Uri Tours (uritours.com). Used under CC 2.0 license

In North Korea it is permissible to celebrate individual birthdays...unless these fall on December 18, or July 8. In these cases, birthdays must be changed because these are the anniversaries of Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il's deaths. There must be no sign of celebration on these days. It is estimated that about 100,000 North Koreans change the date of their birthdays because of this prohibition. (Information on North Korean birthday customs derived from Oban International)

Tradition and Modernity
The customs described above are traditional. The past has a way of being eclipsed as the future rushes in. It is likely that younger generations, especially in cities with Western influence, might not observe the 'old ways'. This is true in Bhutan, at least.

My Collage

Here is a still from the collage.

lmac 156 cupcakes3.png

I began of course with @shaka's evocative winter scene. As soon as I saw the snowy landscape I thought of frosting on a cake. I borrowed a cake from the LMAC LIL Image Library and frosted it with @shaka's snow.

Thank you @edgarafernandezp for the cake and candle.

birthday cake lmac process.png

Then I started adding celebrants. The bee and purple pudding creature were contributed by @quantumg to LIL, as was the flame for the candles.

The striped celebrant is a combination person, part @muelli's striped fantasy creature and part my purple fantasy creature (both borrowed from LIL):
fantasy creature lmac 156.png
The beautiful birds are from @yaziris, also from LIL.

The cupcakes I made from snow-covered stones in @shaka's template.

After I had prepared the food and the guests had arrived at the party, it was just a matter of making the flames blaze and the figures move. I used GIMP, Paint3D and Paint to create the layers for the GIF.


I'm contemplative, as I think about birthdays, and look forward to my own actual birthday next month. LMAC, @shaka, has made such a difference in my life. Art lives through us, and we live through art. Human beings express themselves symbolically. Before LMAC, I used words to share my thoughts and feelings. Since LMAC, visual art has become a medium for me.

My collages are often juvenile. I know that, but they speak for me. For those of you who are not used to 'speaking' through art, give it a try. The experience is rewarding and does expand perspective.

Today we have a gallery of winners in the LMAC contest. Check them out. Such sophistication and skill on display. Tomorrow we begin another round. Join us. Have fun!

While you're investigating our community, check out our gallery. This is completely a product of Hive community effort. All pictures are contributed by members of the Hive community. All pictures are public domain and may be borrowed at any time, for any purpose. Please read about procedures for contributing and borrowing here.

Thank you for reading my blog. Peace, health, and Happy Birthday! to anyone celebrating today 🎂

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