Título: El Pirata y La Sirena. Por Florencia Renata.


Título: El Pirata y La Sirena. Por Florencia Renata.

Él era un Pirata enamorado del mar, hasta que entre las olas y sobre una roca la vio descansar. "¿Será un reflejo del sol o será realidad?, ¿cómo de una sirena me vine a enamorar?"

Ella distraída peinaba su larga cabellera. Era tan maravilloso ser una Sirena. Ser hermosa sin pretender, cantar suaves melodías que llevaran a grandes marineros al fondo del mar. Se rió despreocupada y sus cabellos oscuros comenzó a trenzar.

El Pirata se acercó en una barcaza, pues a su tripulación no quiso involucrar. Mientras más se aproximaba, mayor era el temor dentro de su corazón. No quería acercarse por miedo a que ella se alejara y a la vez no podía soportar verla en la lejanía.

"No quiero importunarle, hermosa criatura, pero no pude evitar admirar su belleza." La Sirena se alejó un poco, sintiéndose asustada y sorprendida por tal osadía. "¡Eres un Pirata!", respondió ella ofendida, Enemigo natural de las Sirenas, ¿cómo se atreve a dirigirse a mí?"

"No, por favor, maravilla del mar, no pienses de esa manera. No me juzgue, sin pensar", se apresuró a decir el Pirata. "Mi intenciones son diferentes a la de los demás..."

Ella le miró con recelo, pero quiso darle una oportunidad. "Quizá sea posible que no seas igual al resto de los hombres del mar, que nos acusan de hacerles naufragar..."; "Yo nunca le podría acusar de ningún mal...", respondió el Pirata con sinceridad. "Sí mi barco ha de hundirse será a causa de mi rebeldía y de mi imprudencia..."

Ella me miró ilusionada, después de todo aquel extraño parecía ser sincero; le tendió la mano derecho; él, con dificultad se subió a la roca junto a ella y una embriagadora fragancia marina les abrazó... hasta que una voz irrumpió a lo lejos, como un trueno ...



Y el Pirata y la Sirena fueron guardados en el bolso de playa... otro día su historia continuaría...

English Version


English: Title: The Pirate and the Mermaid. By Florencia Renata.

He was a Pirate in love with the sea, until between the waves and on a rock he saw her resting. "Will it be a reflection of the sun or will it be reality? How did I fall in love with a mermaid?"

She was absentmindedly combing her long hair. It was so wonderful to be a mermaid. To be beautiful without pretending, to sing soft melodies that will take great sailors to the bottom of the sea. She laughed nonchalantly and her dark hair started to braid.

The Pirate approached on a barge, because he did not want to involve his crew. The closer he got, the greater the fear inside his heart. He did not want to get closer for fear that she would move away and at the same time he could not bear to see her in the distance.

"I don't want to bother you, beautiful creature, but I couldn't help but admire your beauty." The Mermaid moved away a little, feeling scared and surprised by such daring. "You're a Pirate!", she replied offended, Natural enemy of Mermaids, how dare you address me?"

"No, please, wonder of the sea, don't think that way. Don't judge me, without thinking," , the Pirate hastened to say. "My intentions are different from everyone else's..."

She looked at him askance, but wanted to give him a chance. "Perhaps it is possible that you are not the same as the rest of the men of the sea, who accuse us of making them shipwrecked..."; "I could never accuse him of any wrong...", the Pirate replied truthfully. "If my ship has to sink, it will be because of my rebelliousness and my recklessness..."

She looked at me with excitement, after all that stranger seemed to be sincere; she held out her right hand to him; he, with difficulty climbed on the rock next to her and an intoxicating marine fragrance embraced them... until a voice broke in the distance, like thunder...



And the Pirate and the Mermaid were kept in the beach bag... another day his story would continue...

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