AN presents: (Goodbye comet 13P/Olbers)☄️ (Es-En)🔭

Hello followers of our community, this post has a different approach, we are going to choose the winners of last week who will receive their respective efficiency points, in turn, as I always like to bring good content to the platform, this post has an astronomical approach and we are going to quickly study another of the important comets that accompanied us this year along with (atlas); I hope you enjoy this dynamic and that you learn something new today! At the same time, we demonstrate the focus of what AN looks for in its posts!🔭☄️

Hola seguidores de nuestra comunidad, este post tiene un enfoque diferente vamos a elegir los ganadores de la semana pasada que recibiran sus respectivos puntos de ecency, a su vez como siempre me gusta traer buen contenido a la plataforma este post tiene un enfoque astronomico y es que vamos a estudiar rapidamente otro de los cometas importantes que nos acompanaron este ano junto al (Atlas); espero disfrutes esta dinamica y que aprendas algo nuevo el dia de hoy! a su vez demostramos el enfoque de lo que AN busca en sus post!🌎📸

What is 13P/Olbers🌎☄️ /RQue es el 13P/Olbers🔭

In a past post we studied the famous comet of the century which was the C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS), it was visible with the "naked eye" and many people were able to photograph it after sunset obviously here in the northern hemisphere! However, there is another comet which was not given as much publicity and I wanted to give it its respective importance by creating a post with photographs of the comet and with some additional knowledge! There were moments where it could be seen with binoculars but it looked like a simple "star" after using my telescope and filters with editing we can see the most beautiful side of it (13P/Olbers).📸☄️
En un post pasado estudiamos el famoso cometa del siglo que era el C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS), ese era visible a "ojo desnudo" y muchas personas pudieron fotografiarlo luego de la puesta de sol obviamente aqui en el hemisferio norte! sin embargo hay otro cometa el cual no se le hizo tanta publicidad y quise dar su respectiva importancia creando un post con fotografias del cometa y con algun conocimiento adicional! hubieron momentos donde se apreciaba con binoculares pero parecia una simple "estrella" luego de usar mi telescopio y filtros con edicion podemos ver el lado mas hermoso del (13P/Olbers).🔭🧑🏻‍🎓

With this year the comet has four appearances and had its highest magnitude this year reaching (6.5) between June and July, in October it could still be seen but its characteristics are very different from Atlas, it does not leave the trail of dust as Atlas did so it is difficult to see "the tail", only using a good telescope and that is why it was not given so much publicity! It is classified as: (Halley's Comet), it was discovered by "Heinrich Olbers" and from there the name of the comet by his last name!☄️📸
Con este ano el cometa tiene cuatro apariciones y tuvo su magnitud mas alta este ano alcanzando los (6.5) entre junio y julio, en octubre aun se conseguia ver pero sus caracteristicas son muy diferentes al atlas, este no deja el rastro de polvo como lo hizo atlas por lo que es dificil ver "la cola", solo usando un buen telescopio y por ende es que no le dieron tanta publicidad! esta clasificado como: (cometa Halley), fue descubierto por "Heinrich Olbers" y de alli el nombre del cometa por su apellido! 🧑🏻‍🎓🤓

Photography materials🌎☄️ /Materiales para la fotografia🔭

The comet is practically visible in the sky when it was still daylight, which made it very difficult to photograph, unlike the atlas, which appeared when the sun was 100% above the horizon! However, using polarized filters and some editing, I was able to achieve my goal. The best photos were taken with my Canon camera adapter directly to the telescope and using the X2 converter and 3mm lens, this gives me more than 200x magnification! It's not easy to calibrate good photos and I always use the moon as a reference when it's in the sky!☄️📸
El cometa practicamente se ve en el cielo cuando aun estaba de dia cosa que dificulto muchisimo fotografiarlo al contrario del atlas que aparecia cuando el sol estaba 100% fuera del horizonte! sin embargo usando filtros polarizados y unas ediciones pude lograr el objetivo, las mejores fotos fueron con mi adaptador de camara canon directo al telescopio y usando el conversor X2 y lente 3mm esto me da mas de 200x de aumento! no es facil calibrar las buenas fotos y siempre uso como referencia la luna cuando esta en el cielo!🔭🧑🏻‍🎓

What is Halley's Comet?🌎☄️ /Que es un cometa Halley🔭

Now that we have described the "Halley" comets, let's go a little deeper. These comets are those periodic ones that can orbit between 20 to 200 years. In July, it will reach a distance of 1.90 AU, that is, the closest to the Earth. At perihelion, it will be the perfect time to see it with binoculars, there a magnitude of 6.5 is expected. We are lucky that the northern hemisphere is favored with this comet because we will be able to see it throughout its passage near the Earth.☄️📸
Ahora que describimos los cometas "Halley" vamos a profundizar un poco mas, estos cometas son aquellos periodicos que pueden orbitar entre 20 a 200 anos, en julio alcanzara una distancia 1.90 UA, osea la mas proxima a la tierra, en el perihelio sera el momento perfecto para verlo con binoculares alli se prevee una magnitud de 6.5, tenemos suerte que el hemisferio norte es favorecido con este cometa porque podremos verlo en todo su paso cerca de la tierra🤓🧭

The comet's tail reached a distance of 50 thousand km, in February the tail had already increased its diameter exponentially to 500 thousand km, in September it is reported that the comet is losing its brightness.📸☄️

La cola del cometa alcanzo una distancia de 50mil km, en febrero la cola ya habia subido su diametro de forma exponencial a 500mil km, el mes de septiembre se reporta que el cometa esta perdiendo su brillo.🧑🏻‍🎓🤓


  • Regular competitions organized by Amazing Nature (ANC) community leader @biologistbrito

  • Amazing Nature Geography curation articles written by @jlufer community moderators.

  • We encourage you to post with ecency to optimize rewards.

  • I will be selecting the four or five best posts of the week to be eligible for prizes.

The Amazing Nature AN Community team is pleased with your interest in nature and welcomes all ORIGINAL articles and photographs. At the same time, however, it points out that there is no place for PLAGIARISTS in the community, and since many are taking a few photos of a place and repeating content, this is fraud and they could be banned from the platform. 🌱🐝🤓

We are increasingly trying to show what we want to teach in the community, posts with ecological interest that teach some topic about nature, so I always suggest not making posts with a few photos and a few words without any teaching!🤔🧑🏻‍🎓

@wholesamdiaries (prize: 200pts ecency🥇) (category geography) (We loved this post full of adventure and beautiful photos, just by looking at it I wanted to bathe in that river)


@kawsar8035 (prize: 150pts ecency🥈) (category zoology) (Beautiful spider, interesting to learn a little about it)


@arieswilly (prize: 100pts ecency🥉) (category botanic) (Beautiful photographs here we will learn a little about this curious fungus)


To be eligible for curation:

Join and post through the community and you can earn curation rewards.

Contents must be posted into the Amazing Nature (AN) Community feed or use as first tag if posting from Ecency.

Photographs must be your own or properly sourced with a description of at least a few sentences.

Entries for the Amazing Nature Contest are separate. They will be highlighted in the competition evaluation.

Comply with the community rules

Post thanks to our colleague Dr @biologistbrito (You can join the curation trail or delegate to grow together) 🌎

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