Strawberry Wine.


Hello homebrewers.

Trying a "sip" of my strawberry wine right after bottling. It's accepted in wine making that you should try the product as you go {to keep track of progress}. I'll be honest this wine is really nice: But it tastes dangerously like vinegar.

I will have to keep an eye out for a vinegar mother.

If the wine doesn't develop a vinegar mother: The taste should improve with aging {just like grape wine}. The wine has a little sentiment: But is a beautiful blood red color. It will settle anyways.

I really hope this doesn't turn into vinegar. The bottle it was fermenting in had white fuzz on the top: This is because I didn't realize the bottle should be full. Even if the bottle is sterile and you use an airlock: The air in empty space contains bacteria AND DOESN'T TOUCH THE ALCOHOL.

Stay tuned to see how the Strawberry wine turns out.

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