Braiding for rapid hair growth: Steps and procedures// Africans Hair-Do


Hello people!
I've been out of the block chain for some weeks now and as such I hardly share stuffs here for those past days.
Actually there's a lot going and we've got lot of turmoil and fearful situations but we shouldn't forget to steem and hive amidst all those right?

Our staying at home opens to us a good opportunity to steem more! Hive more! And bring many useful creations to the block chain.
I've been at home for days and I've been out of the block chain for days too. I pray I still get a grip of what is still going on here.

Today I'll be sharing and talking about a kind of HAIR-DO I made during my stay.
Below you will see the shots from the steps and procedures.


First we will love to know what kind of hair it is right. Well here in Nigeria, Akwa Ibom precisely, don't know for other places. We call this kind of hair "TIE TIE"
The logic is simple; this is simply because the hair is being tied all through, it is neither plaited nor braided not even weaved. The hair is being tied from start to finish. And I believe that's how the name of the hair was originated. From the way it is being processed.

Materials Required and Used

  • Wools (Bobby)
  • Comb
  • Scissor
  • Candle stick
  • A lighter
  • Hot water


First of all, take note that, the human hair need not be watery nor creamy. This is to avoid the slippery texture of the hair, to aid easy work or braiding.

  • First you comb the human hair all out for elongation
    By this I mean, the hair must be well combed to help bring out a perfect length of the hair. Thus can be done with any length or side of human hair; long or short.

  • Then you cut out the wools in two lengths. A shorter one and a longer one. The short one will be used at the tip of the hair, that is you will uses the short one to attach to the tip of the human hair before you use the long one to tied.

  • You continue the process for each human hair you divide. The division must be done a certain proportion. This is so that the hair wouldn't fall out so easily.


  • Note when you braid and get to the end of the hair. You don't just leave it like that. But rather you tied it and fasten it to be strong and tighten and then you cut it using your pair of scissor

  • After all the human hair been divided and braided. You take out your lighter and light the candlestick. And start burning the hedge or end of the braided or tied hair.

  • Then you boil water.. When the water is extremely hot. You put it out of the fire and transfer it into an open bowl; the bowl must only be used for hair.
    Then you use a towel on the neck to avoid the hot water splashing on the person's neck of any other part of an expose skin.
    You push the braided hair into the hot water and leave for about 2-3minutes and then you remove it.

Repeat that procedure for every piece of the hair and do it till the water gets warm rather than hot. Then you throw away the water and turn in another hotter one and continue the process.

After putting the hair in hot water. You are certainly done with the braiding being that it is the last step or stage of this work.
Then boom! The braided TIE TIE hair is ready.


Mostly most of the hair we make or do is just for the beauty of it, its fineness or uniqueness and most are to help keep our face in a better shape and look.


But TIE TIE isn't so, it doesn't just shape the face neither is is just for the beauty of it. But it helps grow your hair too very rapidly.
So you can say, or rather I recommend TIE TIE hair for your rapid hair growth.

Thank you for engaging my blog
I still remain your girl


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