A New Bee in Hive

As someone who always looks for opportunities to be better, when I come across this platform I decided to give it a try.

I am ZehraSky. This is the pseudo name I used to write down my thoughts as well as other creative literature. Zehra means flowers, now when joined with sky, the meaning of my chosen name then become- words that are as fleeting as the flowers that flew in the sky. My goal when I write is to imprint a good memory, just like the flowers, to the readers even if my words will disappear from their minds immediately after.

I first started writing back in 2018 on Tumblr. I was quite active back then and I had been a part of the writing community there. This is where my love for writing grew. Back then I was writing poems daily. The poems were about my life or even some fictional situations that I could think of.

After a few years, the writing community in Tumblr started to fade. The friends I made along the way started to deactivate their accounts and I was left writing in an empty place. But I did not know where else to go so I stayed there even when the ones I admired had long since left.

In 2020, as I start to feel the fatigue of hearing the same news about the pandemic, I started to think more about the future. In my reflection I came to realize that the money I get from my scholarship and allowance was not spent on things that matter. I basically did not have a good role model on how to handle my finances but I decided that I could still learn as the internet is within my reach.

Thus, my journey to discovering side hustles began. At first, I was installing applications with big promise of rewards. I started hopeful of earning a bit more money to save for the future, but slowly disappointment begins to accompany me with every failed attempt at earning money.

The best application I found back then was a news article application where a user has to read articles and then they would need to view an ad in the application to collect points that they can convert for a reward. I remember that it took me 3 weeks to get my first $1 there but that was the highest amount of earnings I got from an application.

After a while, I come across noise.cash. But I ignored it because the rewards were paid in BCH. I had no idea about cryptocurrency back then and I did not want to learn so I let the opportunity pass me by.

However in 2021, a year after I ignored seeing noise.cash, it appeared once again in my life. This time I found it in our university's secret files where a student confessed that they used the site to earn a bit of money during their free time. The student included a clear instructions of what I have to do which helped me decide to create an account there.

Long story short, my journey in noise.cash went well. And soon after, I decided to try writing longer things for read.cash. These two platforms became instrumental in helping me get through many financial problems despite the fact that I started writing there with no expectations other than the fact that I now have a new place to write my thoughts. I found a new community with writers, and it felt as if I finally found what I lost when the writing community in Tumblr faded.

Now, I have discovered Hive thanks to my fellow writers in the aforementioned platform. At first, I was hesitant because the interface of Hive is so different from what I know. But now, I decided to give it a try.

What do I plan to write here?

I want to dedicate this account into my creative side. Aside from writing, I also enjoy crocheting, knitting, sewing, painting, drawing, and making air dry clay trinkets. I plan to write some how-to's for those who also want to learn crochet specifically. Moreover, I plan to share some tutorials of my own pattern. The tutorials will vary from beginner to intermediate level. Of course, I also plan to share my experience in trying out other people's crochet patterns.

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Here you can see one of my crochet projects. It is an amigurumi of Wanda Maximoff. The picture also has the watermark of my small crochet business called Sky Yarns. My best friend really liked her character and she asked me to make her a crochet doll. It was a fun challenge that I would like to share with you guys soon.

For now, I want to end this article by saying that I am excited to be a part of this community. I look forward to learning how to better contribute in Hive.

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