My Introduction To Hive

Hello I am Muhammad and am hailing from Pakistan. I heard a lot about the hive community from @liquidocelotytt which happens to be my real life maternal cousin. After seeing his recent success as he is level 50 now and I see he is always joining several competitions and earning rewards in the form of hive. I have decided to join the Hive platform. I am not a complete newbie to blogging in fact I used to be quite active on in 2022 but since rusty left (Eventually he came back) then the rewards I do not enjoy that much so I am not quite active there as much.

My core reason to join Hive is to make round about 200+ dollars per month consistently so that I can upgrade my gaming pc to having a gtx 4070 which is on a whopping 600 dollars plus budget. Basically I am a pc gamer by heart and love talking about gaming. I like cryptocurrency like hive because it gives opportunity to pc gamers like me to interact with other writers and readers on a mass scale and in turn also make money as well. Please help me out as I am a complete newbie on hive although my cousin is helping me out but still additional advice is welcomed as well. Best wishes and wish me best of luck as well as I am a complete newbie to the hive platform but the first step is always important cheers!!

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