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I asked so many questions in that split second that I began to get dizzy; it could have been the tequila, or it was probably my nausea from the disappointment and disgust I felt at seeing that scene, everything was becoming blurred and heavy. He was fucking her in the bathroom and I specifically had to see that scene, damn it.

Of all the odds in the world, was I the one who had to go into the bathroom?

I put my hands on my temples trying to lessen the pain, but it just kept getting worse.

-Did you miss me? -Carlos was taking long steps with a glass full of clear liquid.

-Is this water or vodka? -I said as I took the glass out of his hands.

-Water. -He said. -Do you feel all right?

-No, please take me home. -I said, looking at the bathroom door.

-Sophia -What's up? -He asked, but without waiting for an answer he went into the bathroom. I went after him and took his arm.

-Let's go. -I begged.

Andrew was standing with the girl lying on the sink.

He and Carlos looked at each other angrily, as if they were about to have a confrontation, one that would probably end in blood. The bitch turned to see me and the repudiation in her eyes could let me know that she despised me.

-What cynicism. -Carlos exclaimed, watching Andrew's hand close into a fist.

-You're so cynical to show up in this place together. -Are you not ashamed to walk with him after sleeping with me last night? -Andrew said in my direction.


-I'd be ashamed to let you fuck me in a public place so easily, because come on, let's face it, you don't cost much, do you, darling? -And that was the most direct hint I could have made. The bitch caught it right away.

-I wasn't left for someone better, you fucking bitch. -She screamed.

Something in that tone made my blood start to boil and all the rage, anguish and anger I had contained during the day exploded. Without thinking, I pounced on her hard and buried my nails in her hair as I heard her scream.

I couldn't control what I felt, I wanted to hurt her, to make her scream, to make the bastard get what she deserved. The adrenaline was consuming me but I felt so good, God, yes.

She tried to let go of my grip but it was useless, little by little I took her to the floor and I wanted with all my strength to take out my anger on her, but I stopped.

-Sofia! -They both shouted at the same time.

I pulled her hair so hard that an extension was left between my fingers. Carlos held me by the waist, while Andrew helped her up, realizing that she didn't have some kind of head injury. I looked at the extension between my fingers and I smiled.

I am not a violent person, at no time would I have wanted to hurt her, but when an impulse attacks, it is impossible to control it. I had nothing against her, however, she made it very personal.

-You don't have the fucking morals to call me a bitch, if you're the one who took someone else's boyfriend, but you know what? -You did me the best favor in the world. -I smiled hypocritically. -I'll find out when I do the same for you.

I walked to the door and threw the lump of hair on the floor before I left. Carlos didn't follow me, he probably had the confrontation he wanted so badly with Andrew and I didn't care, I felt the worst humiliation in the world running through my body.

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Diego was outside the club lying in a car with his cell phone in his hands. I didn't realize that it was only a few minutes that passed in this time, but a lot of things in it. I approached him cautiously and he slowly looked up at me smiling.

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-Hello. -She said with a splendid smile. -Do you need someone to escort you to the track again? -I bit my lip so I wouldn't smile like a fool.

-Not really, I just wanted to get out of that place and all the hustle and bustle. -I brought my hands to my forehead, the pain was coming back.

-Well, I was leaving, I was waiting for a friend, but all this looks like I'm being left alone like a fool again. -He said, pointing to the van behind him. -I can take you home, if you like.

It was a perfectly maintained silver Toyota Meru.

Someone behind me made a strange sound with their throat and I turned to find Carlos, standing behind me with his arms crossed and a scowl.

-Time to go. -He said reluctantly.

-What happened in there? -I asked worriedly, and I didn't know why.

-If you think I hit him, I didn't. -The relief ran down my face. -But you did give that bitch a hard pull.

-She deserved it.

-Friends are inviting us to another party, but I guess you're tired and would rather go home.

-I can take her home. -Diego intervened by standing up. -I mean, I think she's pretty tired of playing the chaperone.

-Of course not. -He shouted, and I felt my body shrink at the man's deep voice.

-She doesn't belong to you.

-Mind your own business. -He warned him and I feared for that boy.

-If you want to go to your friends so badly, do it. -I said afraid. -I can go with Diego. -I was surprised to see how determined I was to let a complete stranger take me home, and the truth is I was in front of two complete strangers and they were both planning to take me home that night.

-You came with me, so you're going with me. -He said looking sideways at Diego. -Whether you want to or not, Sophia.

A part of me wanted to protest because all night long he did nothing but ignore me, and now I had his full attention, but it was true, Diego was a complete stranger, although Carlos was too. However, a small part of me would rather go away with Diego than be in a very small, dark place alone with him.

-It's okay. -I gave in.

-I'll wait for you in the car. -He ordered as he headed for the SUV parked on the street as well.

I turned to Diego with shame, Carlos' attitude to him was very rude, he was just trying to be nice.

-Are you sure you want to go with him? -He asked, pointing at him. -I'm afraid for you, to be honest, I have a bad feeling about that idiot.

-Yes, it's late and any scolding I get won't be as strong if my uncles see me arrive with him. -I said with my eyes rolled back.

-It was good to see you tonight. -He took my hand and pressed it gently.

-It was. - It really was. See you.

-Be careful. -He said and those two words bounced around in my mind for quite a while.

I got into the truck and in the rearview mirror I spotted Carlos' bodyguards and Alhan on the other side. I looked out the window and Diego was staring at me even though the windows were smoked, a chill ran down my back from thinking anything and a wave of memories came to my mind. Andrew, the bitch... Carlos.

-Who was that asshole? -He asked in a hoarse voice, I could feel the frustration in his voice, and the way he was squeezing the wheel said everything and more.

-It's none of your business. -I grunted.

-I don't like it. -His jaw tightened.

-And since when do you have to like whoever I know or what?

-I can give my opinion, can't I?

-I didn't like what you did today at all. -If you were going to leave me as an accessory at the table, I'd rather have stayed home. -I let go hoping it would hurt, but he was silent. -Your escorts disturb me.

-They're necessary for me as much as they are for you.

-I have my own escort, you can't just come along and do whatever you want. -I shouted.

-Sophia, if you're seen with me you're in the crosshairs of anyone who wants to hurt me or my family. The escorts are for you too, he said annoyingly, as if he were talking nonsense.

-You're not the one to decide about my safety, when at most I know your name. What's more, after today I don't want to know any more about you.

-I don't want them to come to me one day with the news that you are kidnapped or dead, you are involved with me and now you must abide by the protection I provide, because you will be my responsibility. -He clarified.


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