Are you addicted to internet?

After the emergence and popularization of the internet, it can be said that virtually all barriers worldwide have been broken. Access to an immense amount of information has become public domain and, mainly, contact among people (anywhere in the world) has become more and more frequent through the diverse social media platforms that have emerged over time.


So, it can not be denied that all these facilities show many fascinating and interestings aspects about what the future can bring us. How far can we go? There is no answer to that because the sky seems to be the limit for our imagination (something that is intriguing, and at the same time, can also be very scary because the behavior of human beings is unpredictable and we have had several proofs of this throughout history).

However, in many cases, people have become hostages to the technologies that are supposed to help them and not trap them in their smartphones or notebooks. So, in case you don't have the answer to the question - which is also the title of this post - (or maybe you don't want to take on the addiction, haha!)... Here is a list that will certainly give you this "diagnosis" with a greater precision:

#01. Sleeping without checking your smartphone definitely is not an option because without doing that, your day is not complete.

#02. Stop doing household activities to use the internet at any time is something natural for you.

#03. Watching television while typing on your cell phone is almost a must and you don't mind mixing things up.

#04. Woke up and even before doing personal hygiene will you go straight through the messages.

#05. Choose online fun instead of enjoying the real world with family and / or friends.

#06. Always check social media and reply to messages while walking down the street on the way to work or home.

#07. You receive a lot of complaints from people around you (especially the ones that are closest to your life) about the time you spend online.

#08. Going somewhere that doesn't offer an internet signal makes you upset (for obvious reasons).

#09. Their amount of your virtual friendships exceeds the numbers of your friendships in the real world.

#10. Eat your meals in front of your computer or always check for updates on your smartphone.

#11. Work performance started to be hampered by the compulsion to always have to take a look at what is happening in the virtual world. You know it's wrong, but you still do it.

#12. Being disconnected from the internet gives you a feeling of emptiness and sadness coupled with a lack of belonging in the world.

#13. You get upset when someone takes your attention while you are using the internet. No matter what you're doing, you don't like to be interrupted.

#14. Using the internet as a refuge or an escape valve to ignore and escape from your problems is very common, but it gives you a sense of accomplishment.

#15. Interrupt sleep to spend a little more time accessing the internet because you have the feeling that you are missing some important event.

#16. Checking your smartphone while you're driving is something you do automatically.

#17. You take your laptop or cell phone charger with you everywhere and get angry when you realize you forgot to do this.

So... After this "test", what would be your answer? ;)

This post is another contribution of mine to the initiative created by @whatsup MILK CHALLENGE, where the main focus is to try to write 01 post and leave 10 comments (both daily) in other posts.

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