Exploring a cave & history of Žiče Charterhouse, sLOVEnia

“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
― Mark Twaine


History has always been my favorite class in school, it has a mixed feeling of knowing where we came from and the way we developed. There are two films if you ask me for my favorite that couldn't be more opposite from one another. It is Lord of the Rings that truly inspired me to love history, along with much later in time playing Assassin's creed that truly made me fell in love with mid evil times and other one is Fast and Furious and playing Need for Speed that helped me become a true petrol driven head.

Returning to Assassin's creed the uniform really looks a like the ones monks have been wearing in Žiče Charter house. This weekend I decided to take a bit more chill approach to exploring another part of Slovenia. The weather wasn't the best, rain was forecasted, but I still continued my adventure. Decided to go and try to find a cave that is accessible, open and safe enough. The road lead me to small city Zreče about an hour of a drive on a highway where I asked google for help. With a bit of looking around I found two tiny caves, but the third one was a charm. Around 30-40 m walk threw a cave where I tried my best not to disturb bat's with light and being quiet as possible. The feeling was unique and special, almost like finding a new cave, before I always followed a guide in a tourist cave.


After an hour of searching and exploring, getting a bit muddy I changed my boots and continued to Žičnica Creek, that is also known as Saint John the Baptist Valley where I knew and visited one out of 4 Charter house before, but never actually went inside to have a good look and learn about the history. It is also known to have special energies there that are in specific points of its location and blessed with peace, nature and blissfulness. That was also the main goal with the monks, while doing their work in silence.


Like in school I didn't listen that much, but I did observe a lot, looking at the uniforms and life style of the monks, it's architecture, the castle like looking buildings and also, kind of feeling peaceful, a bit weird at the same time. The weirdest feeling was stepping inside All Saints cemetery chapel where I heard is one of those energies spots later. It felt a bit weird, has a ton of echo in it you wouldn't expect out of such a small building and well it felt something different that resonated all around the place, mostly associated with peace, calmness and some kind of joy that is hard to explain.


After two good walks around the Charter house I also went around the walls to see other points of energy, eat an able and a loaf of bread at one of these points and went on a nice herbal tea in the end. In a pub that was made to look just like out of a movie or a time capsule. Right after starting my way back to the car, the clouds closed and a few minutes later it truly started pouring rain. I had a lot of luck, fun, combined with joy and peace in another epic adventure.


Wikipedia is better at explaining more bout history, rather share a link than copy and paste, I've completed highschool thanks to Wiki :)

Fun / weird fact about the place, there is zero signal nor can you use mobile internet in this place.

I'm really grateful to be healthy, able to drive and walk on such an adventure, being able to see such beautiful history, to live in such a unique and small country and be able to take you with me on a tiny bit of a tour. Thank you for taking your time to read and join me along on another adventure.

Have a good restful Sunday, wishing you all the best, strength and blissfulness.

Imagination is everything it is the preview of life's coming attractions -Albert Einstein

Til next time, stay awesome... Happy, Strong & Healthy my friends !

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