The Evolution of Steem. Are You Prepared For What Communities Will Bring?

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Shine In A Pond, Rather Than An Ocean

No matter the current price of Steem, there is always something positive you can be doing to grow! At low prices, your only concern should be to buy, earn, and grow as much Steem as you can, and it has never been easier to do all three!

I foresee OCD's community to become one of, if not, the largest community in steem when prices get back over $0.3-$0.5. This will be great for new and older accounts that haven’t accumulated enough Stake to play the Big Fish Game! Smaller accounts will be better compensated for their creativity and value better than ever before because they will be given the opportunity to shine in a pond rather than an ocean of minnows and dolphins desperately trying to acquire a stake in our little social experiment.

There are still going to be constraints on this new layer of game theory. What if you’re niche isn’t available? Well simple, you just create you’re own community easily by paying 3 steem!

Problem solved?

Eh, not quite. At the end of the day, there are mostly humans behind each of these accounts and human nature dictates that, all of our actions are explained though pursing pleasure and avoiding pain. We are hardwired to innately act in ways the are the easiest and most beneficial to our wellbeing.

Even if your goal is to create a community where you can create and curate with like minded people regardless of rewards, the reality of the situation is that nobody will join if you don’t have a platform that will create an effortless and profitable curation experience for those with stake.

If you don’t have enough Steem committed to curating the members in your community, then you will be hard pressed to attract quality members to join your community, which will of course result in orcas and whales only stopping by to downvote you or your cohort when you lose patience and decide to try your luck with bid-bot promotion. It’ll be a never ending cycle that will only end with you exactly where you started minus your new reputation of building the shit coin version of a community.

What Can We Learn From History?

The way I see it, communities are no different than any community we see in modern day society. There will be those at the top that make up the 1%, that use their stake to influence the direction that the whole world moves in by providing jobs and allocating resources to elect officials or support initiatives that align with their values.

On Steemit, the 1% will take the form of our orca’s and whales that will use their stake to influence what projects are allocated funding though our DAO, and essentially supply jobs to the dolphins and minnows in the form of upvotes in return for content that aligns with their values!

Sounds nice right?

The crazy thing is, at this moment we all have the opportunity to gain enough influence to solidify our spots in the upper echelon of this social hierarchy, while the world isn’t watching!

If you don’t have the resources or motivation to gain influence during the remainder of this bear market, then all is not lost! There will be thousands of minnows and dolphins that will succeed in playing the Game of Steem under these new rules, which will help with on-boarding and retaining quality users, while simultaneously evolving by redefining our behaviors to better align our values as a community!

How Many People Go Pro In Blockchain?

Natural selection will reward those fit to attract the attention of those in power, and cast aside the one’s who failed to inherit the Vision, Creativity, or Stake, to acquire a good job in our new society.

I foresee the emergence of a natural rift between those with talent and those who lack the skills to surpass the threshold of rewardable content, that will only continue to get higher as our ecosystem continues to evolve.

Those who already have an established platform will thrive in the next bull market because they will have the ability to attract the life energy surrounding any top tier crypto project in the form speculation followed by cycles of FOMO and life changing price discovery.

I predict that the majority of of the Youtube Crypto Channels will be the first communities who will play the game under our new rules. Those with the most vision and ambition will create their own communities and attract large support from large stake holders, which will in turn attract quality members to further legitimize their brand.

The functionality and flexibility that SMT’s will bring to community leaders will only hasten evolution and rise to the top, while leaving those behind who failed to adapt and build a system to sustain a life on this blockchain that doesn’t surpass our ideal ratio of pleasure to pain.

Would you rather trade your time for rent in a crowded city, or take a risk and acquire enough resources necessary to acquire your own land to cultivate and profit from how you see fit?

We in the middle and lower classes have to wake up everyday and go to work, so we can create value for those who found a way to create for themselves.

There are currently no other blockchain project in the world that allow you to invest your time and money to acquire a stake that will not only work for you each day, but also grant you the ability leverage your influence, life experiences, and creativity into building a system that will be able to obtain what will only be limited by our imagination.

Let’s begin to think bigger!
Steem on.


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