

Good day, everyone, I will be writing about a write-up titled; Respect is reciprocal, I will also be telling us how it should be applied within society and it has been abused in society.

First of all, I will like to give us the definition of what respect means and also what reciprocal means too.


What is respect?
Respect simply means the act of you accepting somebody for who they are, even when they're different from you, especially when they are older than you. You know In Africa, we value respect so much, especially in the western part of Africa (Nigeria). It has been part of our culture and way of life even while bringing us up as a child.


Respect is very important in life because of these facts; age difference, level, society, being a parent, and being a human. Respect can be termed as "honor ", to tell you how God makes respect so important in the human race.

There is a verse that says "Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long on the surface of the Earth "This verse shows how we should take RESPECT seriously.


Is this question a big one? I don't think so, the answer is simply everyone, whether small or big, high position in life or a low position in life, light in complexion or dark in complexion, rich or poor, influencer or not, higher class or lower class, beautiful or ugly and so on. There is no classification of whom we should be respecting or honoring.
In short, "respect is reciprocal".

Respecting people around you is the beginning of being humble. You can't be proud and still say you have respect. I know you will say some people only respect the elderly but expect the younger ones to also give them the same. Yes, the younger ones should indeed give you your respect because you are giving it to elders too, see it does not work that way, you have to always lay the example by giving the younger ones their respect first.

If you have this kind of mentality and mindset, you will be loved by all around you, even in the society you find yourself in.

Let me quickly share this story here , it is just about a young guy in my area. Some people have this greeting me first issues and without even knowing your age they will start ridiculing you by imagining you are the younger person to them .I know some of you face the same too.

Without digressing, whenever I am passing by I always greet him first and his response to me will be like I am his younger brother, in my mind I know I am older than him, but maybe it is not his fault because I have a babyface. So this has been going on and on not until one day I decided to test him by not greeting him first, seriously he was expecting my greetings first.i just have to overlook it because I think that is his own mind which is nothing.

The fact that you are the first person to greet another does not say you are lover to the person's level .Just let us start generating the habit, it does not take anything from though some people are very annoying of which I know very well, we just have to live positively.

I think with this my writeup I have been able to convince you that respect is reciprocal and don't forget showing RESPECT to people around you is the beginning of being HUMBLE.

Thank you for stopping and reading here

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