My Profitable Blogging and Content Consumption Journey on Hive - From $0 to $5,000 +


This is my personal story on how I started a penniless cryptocurrency investment in January 2018 which has yielded over $5000 in just 2 years and 6 months. As captured in the topic, no dime was invested except for my data which would also served other purposes. I had known of blogging especially with the Linda Ikeji blogs which was popular in my domain for Nigerians. Indeed, I had attended many seminars on how to earn money in the internet where I had to pay for the training, yet couldn't make a single dollar.

Thanks to @Tomlee who told me about Steem Blockchain then in January, 2018 and helped me to create a free account. Within three days, the free account was ready and I tried to peruse through the platform. I lacked understanding and zoom, I never ca,me back until March 1, 2018 when @Tomlee returned and further encouraged me take another leap. I summed up courage and created my first post on the 5th of March, 2018, which earned me $0.22. Subsequent posts were not encouraging as they were below $0.10.

However, after few days of reading through other users' blog, I discovered that it was a place to learn and ignite my passion as a writer. My mind was made up and I gave in some more hours to read about Cryptocurrency, blockchain technology and other related documents that assured a sweet future with Hive. Today, there is no going back.

On the 8th of March, 2018, I made my first "big" rewarded post which earned $4.71 and that was how I was "huh! I'm blowing with blockchain". I actually had a change of mind which prompted the post creation. The wisdom here was that "Fruitfulness begins in your mind. If you lose within, you’ve lost without". I began to see Hive as a place to feed and reward my passion, and lo, it became a money making venture. I have written more in this post.

All I do on Hive blockchain is to Create Content, Consume contents and Engage Contents through likes and comments. All these three set of activities help me earn cryptocurrencies over the past two years. Any user may decide which to do. The beautiful thing about Hive blockchain is that every user has the opportunity to earn multiple cryptocurrencies in one single post. This post after 7 days of payout would help me earn HIVE, LEO SPORTS, DBLOG and many other Hive tribes token.

1. A Brief about LEO

Read more about LEO and LeoFinance here

LEO now traded on Hive-engine is a token earned for posting finance, money, and cryptocurrency related contents on the hive blockchain. All you need to do is login to and create a post. The tribe was created by @khaleelkazi LEO is Hive-engine token with the greatest utility on the hive blockchain. So far, I have a stake of 2,000 LEO and I hope to grow the stake on a weekly basis.

2. A Brief about SPORTS

Read more about SPORTS and SportsTalkSocial here

SPORTS now traded on Hive-engine is a token earned for posting sports related contents on the hive blockchain. It is one of the cheapest token on the hive-engine market and as well as one the tribe with the most published contents. All you need to do is login to and create a sports related post. The tribe was created by @Patrickulrich. Currently, I have a stake of 10 million SPORTS domiciled in my curation account @Uyobong.sports.

On Hive blockchain, all the earnings so far accrued on hive has been by undertaking leisure and passionate activities. No "huge" labours were really pout in. Some of those activities include:

Today, my worth on the Hive Blockchain is valued over $5,000 including my investments in the tribes tokens. This is a jouney that started with $0. Everything started out free. Start Earning HIVE alonside other cryptocurrencies by and LEO Tokens by Signing up here. There are free and instantaneous options.

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