Putin's Blitzkrieg Failed Utterly (Feb. 26, 2022)

Hello, Ecency/Hive! I've decided to join you, and share news from the Ukrainian frontline. You can follow my work in real-time on Telegram (link: https://t.me/uacounterintelligence). Unashamedly and wholeheartedly, I do support the Ukrainian army, including AZOV, regardless of the paradigm that was established by the lamestream media. I assure you, those men are brave and honorable lions (not neo nazis as the Russians say), which proved themselves on the battlefield, already in 2014.

Putin's blitzkrieg has failed, utterly. The Russian advance was stopped almost immediately, which is not what the Russian command post has anticipated. Due to devastating losses, the morale of Russian soldiers is close to nonexistent. They're surrendering in en masse. The Russian army, as (allegedly) the second greatest military force in the world, got stopped in areas of Kherson (south), in suburbs of Kharkiv (north-east), and Chernobyl-Gostomel (north). Think about it, poorly armed UA led by Zelensky (whose profession is acting) is successfully holding the line against Russia.

According to various sources, it is estimated that the Russians are currently using two-thirds of their entire military force, which is staggering. Yesterday, for the first time since WW2, Russian soil found itself under attack! Ukrainian cruise missiles OTR21 Tochka, found their way to Millerovo airbase, located in the Rostov region (in Russia). 2 modern Sukhoi 30 fighter jets were destroyed. During the night, Russians lost two heavy transporters, Illyushin 76, that were shot down by the S300 system, and Sukhoi 27, 20 kilometers south of Kyiv. Miss Natalia Balasinović, a mayor of a nearby town of Vasilkov, confirmed one Il76 was carrying Russian paratroopers, most likely members of Special Units. Those that survived the crash were later neutralized by the Ukrainian forces.

All in all, this has so far been a terrible blow for the pride of self-proclaimed tzar Putin, and the Russian army. Please, pray for peace.
I'll try to write a short report, every two hours or so.

Thank you for reading!


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