Hello Hive, Got Some Room For 21 would cha?


What's the "BIG" idea?

So I've been thinking of the perfect way to start this thing called introduction, I usually let my actions introduce me, but that works better in the physical, not so easy when you're behind a computer amarite?

So hey there, am 21, againn, not by age, and certainly not 21 savage, wierd name by the way, I'll care to explain it as time goes on, but for now, I'm gonna give this story a fairy tale touch, so let me assume I ended up here through a silly bus catastrophe.

So, here goes nothing.

It was a boring monday as usual, I woke up feeling as shit as always, if you've ever spent your whole life trying to do the right thing, then you'd probably know how it feels when you ain't even trying but you think you've done so much and life is unfair, well that's great, look at me roasting myself, if I was Joe then I'd say classic Joe. I had an accident, and that accident was meeting an old pal, it was a catastrophe because he looked like the girlfriend I never had, messed up and shit in a white dress, but sadly no cone to put underneath and make him look like an ice-cream.

Have you watched Hellboy? I remember watching that movie the night before, I wasn't sure what exactly was about to hit me the next day. That movie thought me a few things including the fact that "destinies" are delusional tales, so people can be anything solely influenced by the decisions they take in life. Imagine being told your destiny is to ride a bike for a living and they don't even consider you could lose your legs in an accident drunk cause your girl left you, well, not you exactly, I'm sure you'll live a happy life with the prettiest woman on earth:)

So yes, back to Monday, I met @mapilopan, hey, did I spell that right? Where is he now that I'm tryna type his fuckin name. I don't know how he even came uo with that shit, I thought people give names that has meaning, his name just picks up "pie" and make it sound like a bad thing. So yes, @malopie and I knew each other but had not seen for a while, so this was a reunion, kindof, he was the loud one back then, I was the quiet one, now it's the other way around, seriously, what happened to you Mann? You turned so cold, looked like a bunner just needed some glasses on to kill the looks :(

So apparently, I love stories, I write dark stories most of the time, but I'm not sure the world is ready for my works, not sure I am ready yet either, crazy but true. But aside that, I love computers, it's wierd to say but I love how that little device holds so much mysteries, it reminds me of human life and death. The name @21againn(twentyoneagainn, hive didn't accept the first, sad...) is more about the desire to live long and young all over again, because death only brings about suffering for the unrighteous and life gives a second chance to relive the process, more in-depth later off.

So since I love computers, I've been interested in many aspects of it, but most especially programming. Currently just begun my SQL studies, I sure hope that's the best place to start(would appreciate any recommendations), and coupled with this, I've been good at drawing since I was a tiny monster running around the house, now I'm all grown up and on a quest for life, and all that comes with it.

So Why Did I Agree To Join Hive?

Everything in life begins with a decision and most of my life revolves around my interest to learn, earn and grow. I grew this passion for writing that books never stayed untouched around me, not much of a reader tho, but pretty much a lover of art, I prefer to see, because I'm already used to hearing my words in my head, watching it makes it come to life, maybe there's a spot for me in the movie industry, destiny?

So I'm on hive cause I love writing...

No no, I think I love money better, so I could end up as an accountant? I love numbers but don't really love writing them, so how does a CEO sound? Oh yes, that's the one, but CEO of what, I don't know, so let's just get this hive shit going, shall we? Shout out to @malopie for showing me around, I think I'm growing interest on places that deals with stories, finance, movies, art, and yes, humour, I need me a cup for breakfast each and every day, so, wish me luck would cha? Oh come on, please? 🥺🤸

Follow me on twitter @21againn, new account created for the purpose of having a hive account via @leofinance, I have no other social presence, I exist only in my room, and now, on hive. So this is where you say welcome and I smile at the screen of my phone ;)


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