For #SentimentalSunday - More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s

I'm back again today with another #SentimentalSunday post, featuring more scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, from about the 1930s to the 1960s

First up though, here's the updated list of all the posts I've done so far this month with my family scans -

Throwback photo posts

April 2nd, 2020 - Thirteen Throwback Thursday Photos – Mom and Aunt Mary

April 4th, 2020 - For a #SentimentalSaturday – More Photos Of Mom and Aunt Mary

April 5th, 2020 - For a #SentimentalSunday – Last Batch Of Mom and Aunt Mary… until #ThrowbackThursday!

April 9th, 2020 - Thirteen Throwback Thursday Photos Times Two – Mom and Aunt Mary

April 12th, 2020 - For #SentimentalSunday – Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)

Apr 16, 2020 - More Thirteen Throwback Thursday Photos - Aunt Mary and Mom

And as I said before...

Over the years, I've made attempts off and on to scan & cleanup some of the bazillion old school photographs I have stored in a bankers boxes in our upstairs hall. Earlier today I realized it's been a while, so I thought I'd do another batch, and turn it into a Throwback Thursday post. I decided to go with the box labelled, "Mom and Aunt Mary" since they're both (like so many of us) staying at home and I figured they might enjoy a little trip down memory lane.

To narrow it down a bit further, I decided to pick thirteen (because that makes for a nice, alliterative title), and then separated the color photos out and went with the monochrome shots. I tried not to overthink it, and just grab mainly the first ones I grabbed. I say mainly because a couple were of people and places I didn't even recognize - that's what happens when you have four (maternal grandmother, my parents, mine, and my husband's) photo collections all living together. 😊

I don't have much info on these other than the obvious (pictures of Mom and Aunt The large majority of these were taken in Gloucester, Massachusetts with a couple that I believe are from a vacation somewhere in New Hampshire. I tried to clean these up a bit without making them look over-processed. I hope you enjoy!

Today I managed to get 18 photographs scanned, cleaned up, and resized. And as I get more info about the pictures, I'll go through and edit the captions, so family and friends - please feel free to shout out!

Now are more scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, from about the 1930s to 1960s

  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
1. Inside the kitchen of Aunt Mary & Uncle Bill's newly built (at that time in the 1960s) house in Manchester, Massachusetts (before the whole "by the sea" appellation was attached to the town, and yes - just like the movie).
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
2. And by newly built, I mean that, if memory serves, they had the house built.
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
3. Even though I was very young, I still remember what a cool place this was!
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
4. Outside of the house as it was being finished - my cousin Scott (one of Aunt Mary and Uncle Bill's sons) is wearing the Boston Red Sox cap.
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
5. Probably about a half dozen years later, this is Scott's younger brother Jamie at Nana & Grampy Souza's house on Chapel Street in Gloucester, MA. And yes, that's the same footstool from the picture of me I shared in this post.
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
6. No idea who this boy might be, but I'm fairly certain this was taken in Gloucester.
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
7. My mother, I believe in the early 1950s
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
8. My Aunt Mary, also around the same time, in the living room of the Chapel Street House
  More scans of Mom and Aunt Mary, 1930s to 1960s
9. Not 100% sure, but I think this is me, on the floor of the kitchen of the Chapel Street house.
10. Laurie (one of my older sisters) on the right, not sure who is on the left, in the living room of Nana & Grampy's.
11. Cousin Scott again, in the front foyer of the Chapel Street house.
12. Cousin Scott again a "few" years Also in the living room of the Chapel Street house.
13. My godparents, Aunt Mary & Uncle Bill with me at my christening in 1965.
14. Me in the same living room - it's amazing to me how many shots Nana took of all of us here!
15. Cousin Scott (left) and Cousin Heather (right) playing in the snow in the yard of the Chapel Street house.
16. Scott, but for a change, I'm not sure where this picture was taken (but I'm guessing it's the Chapel Street living room again with a different chair and rug).
17, Hard to see, but my mother (as a toddler) is actually standing to the left of the double window. I know because this is a different angel from some other shots I've already scanned, but this one shows more of the house & neighborhood, so I thought I'd include it for that reason.
18. This one was tough to clean up, since it got so faded & scratched, but I got it to the point that you can see my mother sitting in the chair, and I'm fairly certain this is in the living room of our Magnolia, MA home.

Thanks for stopping by!

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Blog graphics created on Canva
My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can sometimes also be found on my various social media sites.

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