For #SentimentalSunday - Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)

I'm back with more scans of family photos over a few generations. Some of these are from my #SteemBloPoMo Day 18 post last year, (which this year has been re-imagined as #HiveBloPoMo) and some I scanned & edited over the past couple of days. They are essentially in order from my mom and Aunt Mary at some point in the 1940s to 2000s with our three babies (who might be a bit bigger now, but are still our babies).

Easter over the years, from the 1940s to 2000s

1. Aunt Mary, sitting by the front door of the Chapel Street house in Gloucester, MA.
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
2. Mom and Aunt Mary - from their outfits, I'm fairly certain (even though there isn't any info on these shots) these were taken on Easter.
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
3. Aunt Mary by the front door again
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
4. Aunt Mary and the family cat.
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
5. Mom's turn posing with the cat.
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
6. Mom and Aunt Mary out in front of the house again.
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
7. Me, Magnolia 1968
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
8. My mom with my younger sister on board, and me - Easter 1968, Magnolia, MA
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
9. Me on Chapel Street, Gloucester, MA
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
10. April 1970, me and my younger sister Jennifer
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
11. Two of my Aunt Mary's children (so my cousins), Heather and Scott, same Easter as the previous shot.
  Easter over the years (1940s to 2000s)
12. Me and my younger sister, 1970ish, in front of the same Chapel Street house from the first photos of my mom and aunt. In fact, if we walked about a half dozen steps to our right (towards the left side of the picture), we'd be in the same spot Mary Faye was in the first shot. Oh, and I want to mention that my mother crocheted my wicked awesome purple outfit - I still remember how much I loved it!
13. In fact, while this perspective isn't exactly right, I put these two photos together to show how close these two shots, separated by 30 or so years, are.
14. Caillean (our eldest) in 1997 at the Wolf Hill Road house in Gloucester, MA
15 Her Easter basket
16. Mom's family favorite Easter Bunny cake, same year.
17. Jim cutting the cake - while I didn't find the other shots from this day, I'm fairly certain Nana Souza and Aunt Mary were visiting for the holiday. If I find them soon enough, I might post an Easter part two. 😊
18. Cailli, 2000
15. Caillean, Tristan, and Ciara (who was exactly a month old) in Rockport, MA, 2000
16. Easter Sunday 2001, Rockport, MA
20. Mom's hula hoop Easter gifts for our three (two on the left, one on the right) and two of their cousins, 2009


Bright Easter blessings to all!

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My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.

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