TimTravels - A walk through the Woods Part II

How is it going my fellow bees?

Almost a week past since I joined Hive and guess what? It feels like back in the early days of Steemit. Meeting new people, enjoy creating content and browse through endless creative blogposts of likeminded people.

It is a refreshing feeling to know that we have such a strong community.

Big shoutout to all the developers and people that worked hard on making Hive a reality!

Today I'll share more of my last walk through the forest nearby the place I live, in case you missed the first post you can find it here, TimTravels - A walk through the Woods



As usual, I start my day with the same routine: waking up (who would have thought that?), stretching a bit, having some light exercises to feel awake, breakfast and then study. After sitting for hours I have the urgent need for fresh air and some movement. The forest nearby is the ideal place to take a walk or go for a run. Since I spend more time at home because of COVID19, I also walk more through the woods.

The last time, however, was different. Having more time for myself and being back to blogging, I start to imagine how the forest would look through my lens. Ultimately, I took my camera with me and the results are what you see here.


Not only did I perceive the forest differently, something indeed has changed. A huge uprooted tree was in the middle of the forest. It created a fascinating sight and made me want to climb it (which I also did). To imagine how much force has been applied to the massive tree in order to make it fall is incredible. A wonderful scenery made by nature to be captured for us bees!






You can now click on the picture for the full resolution

This Sunday I will reintroduce the MyPictureDay photography contest where you can win some Hive every week! Stay frosty and see you Sunday with another post and the beginning of the contest!


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