TimTravels - A walk through the Woods

Hello my fellow bees!

Since the university is closed and I have to study from home, I do have a lot of spare time in between my study sessions. Usually I don't get easily bored at home, there is always much to do but today I felt the urgent need to grab my camera and take a break. As in my favor, we are allowed to leave our houses. There is no complete lockdown in Germany, only in some parts in the south.

As the sun went down and it was time for the golden hour I went to the forest to capture the beauty of light meeting the woods.

This is the entrance to the forest I often go to. Since gyms are closed in Germany, I should go for a run here, however I am not really into running. Any suggestions on how to make running more attractive to me?

One thing I noticed today was remarkable! The forest is usually empty and you barely see people around there. That's pretty sad considering how beautiful it is
But today, all of a sudden, there was life! Families, runners or just couples walking together holding hands, you could find them all. It's great to see people spending more time in nature and boost their immune system.

How do you spend your free these days? Are you staying at home and work more? Do you watch online courses to learn new skills or do you play games all day? Let me know bees


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