ADULTHOOD IS A SCAM - That's a lie


Yesterday, I had a Twitter space session with a colleague of mine back in Secondary School days, the Founder of The Genius Network in person of Ogundijo Justus.

I was honored to be a speaker about a popular topic in my dear country, Nigerian, about adulthood being a scam.

To cut the long story short, here is the summary of my own perspective about the topic.

Read to the end and make sure you drop your contribution too.

Here we go:

"The fact is that most of us here already know that adulthood isn't a scam.

And some are here expecting us to sweet-talk them into believing it's not a scam.

But we are not here for sweet talks. We are here to be real with you.

At the end of this space session, you will realize that you are currently a living reality of your mindset.

At the end of this space session, I believe your mindset will be re-engineered.

The idea of adulthood being a scam breeds mediocrity.

The Adulthood phase is an opportunity to prove to live that you’re not mediocre, that you've got whatever is required of you to scale through the challenges it presents.

If you need a push or motivation... if you crave legit success in life, it definitely shouldn’t be saying or thinking adulthood is a scam.

That cannot be your push to whatever you want in life.

The idea of adulthood being a scam streams from your emotion.

Maybe you are finally realizing that it's your emotion controlling your thoughts and actions all along.

If so, then you are finally on the verge of self-awareness and it's time to start leveraging on that emotions.

Our heart is soft and it's where our soul is connected.

Whatever the heart is being fed, it absorbs and feeds the soul.

If you continue saying and agreeing to the idea that adulthood is a scam, then your heart will continue to resonate with it.

Your body and soul will start behaving in that manner.

It will also reflect in your actions and you will struggle with self-motivation which is a very crucial element to progress.

Soon enough, self-discipline will start fading away as well.

Listen... If you can't leverage, you won't level up. And if you don't level up, you probably won't move up.

Leverage on your emotions. Being an adult is challenging, but not a disadvantage.

Think of it as a game where you must leverage every obstacle to level up.

In this case, your emotion is the obstacle that holds you captive of such a mentality.

Every stage of your life will demand a "new you".

To level up, you must defy the odds and that starts within.

The greatest battle is fought within.

Most of us are struggling with self-awareness and that's why we agree with whatever anybody says.

They say adulthood is a scam, and we agree with it.

People say whatever they want and some know how to take responsibility for their words.

They take care of their own shit even if the world comes crumbling on them.

There is even an anthem for it. I so much hate that.

I'm sure the owner of the song is making big money out of it, but there you are, still holding on to the past, cringing and wishing you are still a child.

Hmmm. Blame adulthood or not, you are already in it and nobody is going to save you but you.

Adulthood is about learning how to take responsibility for your thoughts, and actions, and wherever you are in life, it's never a scam and it will never be... because nobody threw you in it.

You see, when we were children, we used to crave where we are currently.

I think it's fair enough to even crave childhood, right?

Or a soft adulthood phase?

But let's be real and be forward in our thinking!

Why is it difficult for us to crave old age too?

Isn't that the next level? Then after old age comes death.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

After death comes heaven. Heaven is a gift of eternal living.

Well, don't let me mention the hell.

It all boils down to reality we can never escape.

Adulthood is a phase of life and life itself is a sweet deception, that's why we expect everything to be soft without being responsible.

But the bitter reality is what life demands out of every stage we must pass through.

I'm not saying all these to make you sad but to make you aware before you are caught up with even more realities.

Adulthood is not a scam. Maybe you suddenly find yourself being an adult... You woke up one day and you are already an adult? I'm sorry, but it's still not a scam.

If it's a scam, it should probably be rotting in the cell by now.

Your responsibility now is to get rid of that mentality and start living up to whatever phase you are in your life and seek positive progress.

Take care of your heart and emotions. Be mindful of whatever and whoever you listen to. Be mindful of your environment and what you consume.

Make your emotions your self-awareness alert. Whenever you are getting trapped in it, try as much as you can to divert it into something positive.

Thank you for listening."

This is just the summary of my presentation. I was given 15 minutes to speak by the way.

Here is the link to the audio record of the space session:

Apart from myself, there were two additional speakers, excluding the host.

It was my first experience speaking. There were 70 attendees in total and I'm proud that I was granted the opportunity to have their audience.

What do you feel about adulthood? Is it a scam? Let's also have your contribution to the topic. Whatever you have to say, go on with it in the comment section. Even though I'm yet to know your say about it, but I'm sure you are right.

My own conclusion on the topic is - you can never shy away from responsibilities, unless if you just want to sit down and complain and settle for less.

I understand that responsibilities vary from one person to another, our environment is a great factor too, but there's no option. We must face our fears and by God's willing, we will triumph.

Thank you for reading so far and I will be looking forward to your words of wisdom.

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